Step by step, our guide will lead you to all the important information you might need for your international work.

Here we go!

The Guide

Working beyond europe

Temporary working relationships between Germany and countries outside the EU

Germany has concluded social security agreements with a number of countries outside the EU/EEA. If you ordinarily work outside Europe or reside in a country outside Europe and are going to work temporarily in Germany, you need to check whether there is a social security agreement between Germany and the country in question (a list of countries can be found here: Übersicht bilaterale Abkommen (overview of bilateral agreements) (only available in German). This will determine the applicable legal provisions and the areas of social security covered. Social security agreements are concluded to avoid overlap or simultaneous insurance coverage in multiple countries.
If no such agreement exists between Germany and the country in question, the legal provisions of both countries must be examined. The possibility of double insurance cannot be excluded in this case.

Temporary activities in other countries are referred to as postings. The principle of a posting is always the same, irrespective of the country in which the activity is temporarily carried out. Only the requirements to be met, the social security aspects affected and the maximum possible duration of the posting differ.

In order for activity abroad to qualify as a posting, it must be

  • temporary, for a limited period specified in advance,
  • irregular,
  • based on gainful activity in the country of residence and
  • performed by employees sent abroad on the instructions of their employer and with a continuing entitlement to remuneration by the posting employer in the posting country.

Check lists

Temporary work in
Germany and France pdf

Checklist Health insurance
abroad pdf

Deutsches Studierendenwerk: Aufenthalts- und Sozialrecht für internationale Studierende (2024, in German)