Step by step, our guide will lead you to all the important information you might need for your international work.

Here we go!

The Guide


Here you will find all events related to touring artists: events that we organise ourselves, events where we are invited as experts as well as recommendations for events of the three supporting organisations of touring artists and On The Move. To receive regular information about our events, sign up for our newsletter and follow us on our social media channels.


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  • August 2025


    14 August 2025

    #05 Get started! Künstlersozialkasse (KSK) and social insurance basics

    What is the Künstlersozialkasse (KSK) and how do you become a member? What should you know about the application process and what happens once you’re insured? What if you can’t join the KSK and what other insurance options should you consider?
    The seminar is offered twice, providing insights into the Künstlersozialkasse (KSK) and social insurance for artists and freelancers.
    Felix Sodemann (touring artists) will introduce the KSK and answer some basic questions.
    Another session will be held on Thursday, 16 October, with Felix Sodemann and the experts Kathleen Parker and Andri Jürgensen.

    The online seminar is part of the event series Get started! First steps in self-employment, a cooperation of Kreativ Kultur Berlin and touring artists. In multiple on- and offline events, the speakers offer insights on various topics that are important for your start into self-employment in Germany. In addition, we would like to give you tips, good practice examples and connect you with other artists and creative professionals in Berlin. 

    Organisers: Kreativ Kultur Berlin & touring artists

    Time: 10am to 1pm


    Language: English 

    Information and registration

  • June 2025


    12 June 2025

    #03 Get started! Basics of international taxation

    Freelancers and self-employed workers who sell or buy services across borders must deal with special invoicing, VAT and income tax rules. This seminar gives you an overview of these rules for transactions to and from both EU and non-EU countries. Learn how to invoice correctly, how to manage double/withholding taxation for certain cross-border services (fees for performances and licensing) and how to stay up to date with the new EU-wide Small Business Regulation (effective from 2025).

    The online seminar is part of the event series Get started! First steps in self-employment, a cooperation of Kreativ Kultur Berlin and touring artists. In multiple on- and offline events, the speakers offer insights on various topics that are important for your start into self-employment in Germany. In addition, we would like to give you tips, good practice examples and connect you with other artists and creative professionals in Berlin. 

    Organisers: Kreativ Kultur Berlin & touring artists

    Time: 10am to 1pm


    Language: English 

    Information and registration

  • Mai 2025


    15 May 2025

    #02 Get started! Orientation in taxes and invoicing

    Manage your finances with confidence! Writing invoices, navigating the "small business" rules (Kleinunternehmer), or understanding value-added tax (VAT) rules for artists and teachers — freelancing comes with challenges beyond your actual work. This seminar breaks down Germany’s income tax and value-added tax (VAT) system for self-employed workers and freelancers, focusing on the rules for transactions within Germany only.

    The online seminar is part of the event series Get started! First steps in self-employment, a cooperation of Kreativ Kultur Berlin and touring artists. In multiple on- and offline events, the speakers offer insights on various topics that are important for your start into self-employment in Germany. In addition, we would like to give you tips, good practice examples and connect you with other artists and creative professionals in Berlin. 

    Organisers: Kreativ Kultur Berlin & touring artists

    Time: 10am to 1pm


    Language: English 

    Information and registration

  • April 2025


    10 April 2025

    #01 Get started! Introduction to freelancing

    What does freelancing mean in Germany? How is your activity classified? Where do you register and sign up?
    Navigating Germany’s freelancing system can be complex, but this online seminar breaks it down for you. Learn about the key differences between “freelance” activities (Freie Berufe) and other forms of self-employment (Gewerbe). Understand how to differentiate self-employment from employment, and spot pseudo-self-employment (Scheinselbstständigkeit).

    The online seminar is part of the event series Get started! First steps in self-employment, a cooperation of Kreativ Kultur Berlin and touring artists. In multiple on- and offline events, the speakers offer insights on various topics that are important for your start into self-employment in Germany. In addition, we would like to give you tips, good practice examples and connect you with other artists and creative professionals in Berlin. 

    Organisers: Kreativ Kultur Berlin & touring artists

    Time: 10am to 1pm


    Language: English

    Information and registration


  • March 2025


    20 March 2025

    KSK open consultation hour

    The KSK is both a very useful tool that offers artists and publicists in Germany better access to social security, but it's also a big mystery with a lot of factors that don't seem very clear. During the open consultation hour, participants will be able to ask the members of the touring artists Team any questions they may have, be it details about the application process, questions about how contributions are calculated, or problems with working on the side. The session will be held in English.


    Organiser: touring artists

    Time: 10 - 11.30 a.m.


    Language: English

    Information and registration

  • November 2024


    28 November 2024

    Interconnected: Strategies and Benefits of International Networking in the Arts

    Planning a project, a residency or an exhibition abroad, receiving international guests in Germany – what kind of support do artists and professionals in the art field receive in their international work?
    The workshop provides an insight into various approaches and available tools: Resources on residencies and funding opportunities, European artists‘ associations and service institutions, advice on administrative issues such as customs, income tax or entry and work permits. There will also be space for questions and exchange.

    Part of the UPDATE Lectures 2024 by PLATFORM München and BBK München und Oberbayern.

    Organiser: PLATFORM München

    Time: 6 to 7.30 pm


    Language: English

    Information and registration


    25 November 2024

    MONTHLY MEET-UP: Publishing: Books - Music - Film

    In our November event, we'll explore the topic of publishing with guests from the fields of music labels, film distribution and book publishing and take a look at different disciplines and forms of publishing. With Jakob Kijas (Salzgeber Filmverleih), Birgit Schmitz (TOC Publishing) and N.N.

    Jakob Kijas (born 1983) founded the distribution company eksystent Filmverleih in 2015. Within their work, they focus on releases of independent movies with an extraordinary aesthetic approach. The work of eksystent Filmverleih was honored by the DEFA Foundation with the program award and received the innovation award of the Association of German Film Critics. In 2023 Jakob also joined Salzgeber as Co Managing Director.

    Birgit Schmitz, born in 1971, founded her own publishing house, TOC Publishing, in 2020. She previously worked as an editor and publisher at Kiepenheuer & Witsch, Berlin Verlag and Hoffmann & Campe. She lives in Berlin.

    Frank Klaffs has gained practical experience in the music business for over 30 years as a copyright and label manager for Piranha Musik (Berlin) as well as an independent music publicist for artists like Taj Mahal, Juanez, Robert Wyatt, Staff Benda Bilili, The Klezmatics, Tinariwen and for the international WorldMusicExpo WOMEX. Besides his position as CEO of Piranha Arts, Frank is part of the Piranha Records team. Educational and consulting activities for clients like Goethe Institute (Juba, South Sudan and Beirut, Libanon) and for COSCAP with the collaborative project "Calypso in Berlin". He is part of the Creative Europe Project ‘MOST Bridge for Balkan Music’ and WOMEX Academy.

    The MONTHLY MEET-UP is a networking meeting for transnational artists who are new in Berlin. It offers the opportunity:

    • to get advice on administrative questions relevant for your artistic work in Berlin (such as tax number, KSK (social security fund for artists) or visa issues),
    • to meet members of Berlin's culture institutions and get to know their work,
    • to meet fellow artists and support each other.

    Organisers: touring artists x Goethe-Institute im Exil

    Time: 7 - 9 pm (CET)

    Venue: ACUD macht neu, Berlin

    Language: English

    Information and registration

    18 - 20 November 2024

    Un/gleich/zeitig – Annual Conference of the Berlin Performing Arts Program 2024

    3 days conference dedicated to the field of visibility, presence and long-term effects of the independent performing arts during times of several simultaneous crises. Talks about structural, political and societal framework conditions for artistic creative work, about the unfair distribution of resources, audiences as well as still-lacking points of access and the urgent needs of urban development.
    touring artists will take part in a panel discussion on cultural policy issues in the EU and Europe.

    Organiser: Performing Arts Programm Berlin

    Venue: TD Berlin

    Language: German

    Information and registration


    14 November 2024

    Input und Q&A > taxes international

    The workshop is aimed at freelance producers, managers, agents and representatives of production offices who (want to) carry out international projects and/or (want to) work together with artists/organisers from abroad. Basic knowledge of German tax law is required for participation.
    Withholding tax, reverse charge procedure and double taxation agreements - all things that you have already encountered and yet everything remains complicated. This workshop covers the questions, what applies in which cases, what needs to be considered abroad and in which cases performances can be exempt from taxes etc.

    Organiser: Dachverband Tanz Deutschland

    Time: 10am - 1.45pm (CET)


    Language: German

    Information and registration

  • October 2024


    28 October 2024

    EMMA Masterclass: Visa Essentials for Artist Managers

    Visa Essentials for Artist Managers - a deep dive into the essential knowledge needed to secure working visas for artists as they expand their careers internationally. The masterclass provides practical guidance on navigating visa processes, overcoming common challenges, and staying ahead of ever-evolving regulations. Perfect for music managers looking to facilitate seamless global touring and ensure their artists are prepared for international opportunities.

    Organiser: European Music Managers Alliance (EMMA)

    Time: 6pm (CET)


    Language: English

    Information and registration


    22 October 2024

    income tax / withholding tax in an international context: theory & practice

    Withholding tax, deduction tax, ‘foreigner's tax’; there are several terms that describe the taxation of artists (and, incidentally, athletes) based abroad for working in Germany. What kind of services are involved, how is the tax paid, what are the exemption options and what is the ominous cultural orchestra decree? The workshop will look at the basics of withholding tax and at special cases in the law and in double taxation agreements and will find solutions for more complex international constructions. Suitable for newcomers and advanced producers.

    Organiser: produktionsbande

    Time: 10am - 3pm (CET)


    Language: German

    Information and registration


    21 September 2024


    What is the KSK? How do I get into it? And what do I have to keep in mind once I'm in? The KSK is a kind of insurance agency that enables freelance artists and publicists to have insurance coverage similar to that of employees. That means that you, as an artist, pay half of the insurance contributions, the KSK pays the other half. However, the application to the KSK can be associated with minor hurdles and even once you are in, there are some things that need to be considered.

    The MONTHLY MEET-UP is a networking meeting for transnational artists who are new in Berlin. It offers the opportunity:

    • to get advice on administrative questions relevant for your artistic work in Berlin (such as tax number, KSK (social security fund for artists) or visa issues),
    • to meet members of Berlin’s culture institutions and get to know their work,
    • to meet fellow artists and support each other.

    Organisers: touring artists x Goethe-Institute im Exil

    Time: 6 - 8 pm (CET)

    Venue: ACUD macht neu, Berlin

    Language: English

    Information and registration

  • September 2024


    23 September 2024

    MONTHLY MEET-UP: Producing in the performing arts

    Producing in the performing arts is a special field of work that takes particular forms in the independent performing arts. Producers have an interface function between the administrative processes (i.e. everything relating to funding, contracts and payments), production (everything relating to the realisation of the performance - from the procurement of materials to transport and travel issues) and also in relation to the artistic concept.
    We want to talk to our guests about the challenges of this field of work. What are the interesting and enjoyable aspects what are the difficult aspects? How can you establish yourself as a performing arts producer in Germany? And what fields of work are there, from the ‘classic’ development of productions to festival work and straight distribution/booking? In addition to inputs, we look forward to discussions and conversations with you. 

    Our guests:
    Sofie Luckhardt works with produktionsbande, a decentrally organized network for production managers, producers, art workers, and all protagonists of artistic production in the independent performing arts. The network facilitates supraregional knowledge exchange and provides space for experimental exploration.
    Anna Wille is a freelance dramaturge and production manager. As part of the production office ehrliche arbeit - freies Kulturbüro, she works in production management and project development and as an artistic director and dramaturge. She also works as a consultant and seminar leader for artists in the independent performing arts scene as part of the Berlin Performing Arts Programm.
    Wolfgang Hoffmann is a dancer and cultural entrepreneur. He was co-founder and long-time director of fabrik Potsdam and director of the Dublin Fringe Festival in Ireland. With the dance company fabrik Potsdam he created 12 creations and danced in over 700 guest performances worldwide. Based in Berlin since 2009, he is the founder and director of the artist agency Aurora Nova, which stages shows in the genres of contemporary circus, physical theatre and new theatre forms all over the world.

    The MONTHLY MEET-UP is a networking meeting for transnational artists who are new in Berlin. It offers the opportunity:

    • to get advice on administrative questions relevant for your artistic work in Berlin (such as tax number, KSK (social security fund for artists) or visa issues),
    • to meet members of Berlin’s culture institutions and get to know their work,
    • to meet fellow artists and support each other.

    Organisers: touring artists x Goethe-Institute im Exil

    Time: 6 - 8 pm (CET)

    Venue: ACUD macht neu, Berlin

    Language: English

    Information and registration


    26 September 2024

    BETA Konferenz

    BETA Konferenz for creatives in Saxony. The annual conference of Kreatives Sachsen explores sustainable future strategies, opportunities for internationalisation, ways and perspectives for financing creative projects etc.

    touring artists and will facilitate the info session "Blick nach Tschechien. Internationale Zusammenarbeit" (A look at the Czech Republic. International cooperation). We're looking forward to it!


    Organiser: Kreatives Sachsen

    Time: 10 am - 7 pm (CET)

    Venue: Kulturbahnhof Leisnig

    Language: German


  • August 2024


    1 August 2024

    #04 Get started! Basics of international taxing for freelancers

    For many freelancers, working with clients outside of Germany means dealing with special regulations for invoicing across borders. In this seminar, we'll look at the basics of invoicing for services and selling goods across borders, both to clients in and outside the EU. We’ll focus on the basics of cross-border value-added tax (VAT) regulations, including the reverse charge procedure for invoices to business clients. One can also learn about the basics of withholding tax for specific services (i.e. performances) and licensing fees for projects outside of Germany. This workshop covers transactions from Germany to other countries as well.

    This online seminar by Kreativ Kultur Berlin is part of the event series 'Get started! First steps in self-employment' in cooperation with touring artists.

    Organisers: Kreativ Kultur Berlin & touring artists

    Time: 4 - 6.30 pm (CET)


    Language: English

    Information and registration


    8 August 2024

    #05 Get started! Introduction to Künstlersozialkasse (KSK)

    What is the Künstlersozialkasse (KSK) and how does it work? How do I join the KSK and what do I need to know when applying? Once I'm a member, what are the important things to keep in mind? Felix Sodemann from touring artists will introduce the KSK and answer some basic questions. Afterwards, Andri Jürgensen and Kathleen Parker are available to answer any additional and your individual questions during a Q&A session.

    This online seminar by Kreativ Kultur Berlin is part of the event series 'Get started! First steps in self-employment' in cooperation with touring artists.

    Organisers: Kreativ Kultur Berlin & touring artists

    Time: 10 am - 1 pm (CET)


    Language: English

    Information and registration


    15 August 2024

    #06 Get started! Health and pension insurance basics

    What are the different categories of the German health insurance system? What to look out for? What other insurance types are there in Germany? On overview of the different options for health insurances will be provided. Furthermore, the speaker offers information on pension and unemployment insurance and gives a first overview of the framework conditions of the Künstlersozialkasse (KSK).

    This online seminar by Kreativ Kultur Berlin is part of the event series 'Get started! First steps in self-employment' in cooperation with touring artists.

    Organisers: Kreativ Kultur Berlin & touring artists

    Time: 4 - 6.30 pm (CET)


    Language: English

    Information and registration


    21 August 2024

    #07 Get connected! Berlin's organizations for international artists

    Get to know Berlin-based professional associations and organizations that support international artists and creative professionals. Connect with representatives at this networking event. You can also explore opportunities to become a member, access consultation services or expand your network. There will also be a live panel discussion on improving the representation of international artists in Berlin's cultural scene.

    This networking event by Kreativ Kultur Berlin is part of the event series 'Get started! First steps in self-employment' in cooperation with touring artists.

    Organiser: Kreativ Kultur Berlin & touring artists

    Time: 5 - 8 pm (CET)

    Venue: Podewil, Berlin

    Language: English

    Information and registration

    Monday - Friday

    26 - 30 August 2024

    Monday - Friday

    20 - 24 January 2025

    Kulturproduktion – compact further training

    Further training for working in cultural production in the independent performing arts. Different modules deal with topics that are taught by experienced cultural producers in a practice-orientated way; touring artists is involved. An accompanying programme, which includes visits to cultural institutions and discussions with cultural producers, complements the seminar content.

    Registration for the fee-based training is possible until 20 August 2024.

    Organiser: Kölner Institut für Kulturarbeit und Weiterbildung

    Dates: 26 - 30 August 2024 & 20 - 24 January 2025

    Format: In-person event in Cologne & online

    Language: German

    Information and registration

  • July 2024


    01 July 2024

    MONTHLY MEET-UP: Working outside and in public spaces

    It's summer, even if it doesn't quite feel like it yet. And for many, this is not just an opportunity to spend time in parks and by the lake, but also to make art and culture outside in public spaces. But how does that actually work? What do I need to consider if I want to organize a concert or a rave? What funding opportunities are there? Are there projects and initiatives that I can get involved with?

    We invite you to the last MONTHLY MEET-UP before the summer break, this time under the title "Working Outside and in Public Spaces" with the following guests: 

    After her studies in fine arts and philosophy in Bogotá María Linares completed a postgraduate programme in art and public space at the Academy of Fine Arts in Nuremberg and in art in context at the University of the Arts in Berlin. Between 2015-2022 she was a deputy for the Künstlerbund in the Advisory Committee for Public Art (BAK) of the Berlin Senate and since 2017 she is member of the district commission for art in public space in Steglitz-Zehlendorf and in Tempelhof-Schöneberg.

    Martina Del Ben and Houssein Tarabichi both work for Berlin Mondiale which is Berlin-wide network of cultural practitioners and artists of Urban Practice whose aim is to make arts and culture more visible and accessible to people in outskirt neighborhoods of Berlin, particularly those with migration, asylum, and exile histories. Martina is an expert for transformation processes in urban and rural areas, Houssein is an architect, urban activist and founding member of the Verein Urbane Praxis.

    After being part of a free open air collective herself, Elena Pitscheider took over the management of the FOA project of the Berlin Clubcommission at the beginning of 2024. The aim of the project is to promote the non-commercially orientated open air scene through networking and training opportunities. She is also active in the Clubcommission's Space Working Group, which focuses on space and areas for cultural and creative use in an increasingly crowded city.

    The MONTHLY MEET-UP is a networking meeting for transnational artists who are new in Berlin. It offers the opportunity:

    • to get advice on administrative questions relevant for your artistic work in Berlin (such as tax number, KSK (social security fund for artists) or visa issues),
    • to meet members of Berlin’s culture institutions and get to know their work,
    • to meet fellow artists and support each other,

    Organiser: touring artists x Goethe-Institute im Exil

    Time: 6 - 8 pm (CET)

    Venue: ACUD macht neu, Berlin

    Language: English

    Information and registration


    11 July 2024

    #01 Get connected! Artistic development opportunities for international artists in Berlin

    Does a German university degree offer better career or networking perspectives? This event explores how studying can help kickstart a freelancing career in Germany, but also looks at alternatives to an academic path. Engage with cultural and creative professionals in a panel talk, get the opportunity to network and get together in an open dialogue.

    This networking event be Kreativ Kultur Berlin is part of the event series 'Get started! First steps in self-employment' in cooperation with touring artists.

    Organiser: Kreativ Kultur Berlin & touring artists

    Time: 5 - 8 pm (CET)

    Venue: Podewil, Berlin

    Language: English

    Information and registration


    18 July 2024

    #02 Get started! Introduction to freelancing

    What are the first steps to register as self-employed? How do you get a tax number? What different freelancing types exist in Germany? With this online seminar initial overview of the first steps to take as a self-employed person in Germany is offered. The core differences between freelancing and regular employment and the different types of freelancing will be introduced.

    This online seminar by Kreativ Kultur Berlin is part of the event series 'Get started! First steps in self-employment' in cooperation with touring artists.

    Organisers: Kreativ Kultur Berlin & touring artists

    Time: 4 - 6.30 pm (CET)


    Language: English

    Information and registration


    25 July 2024

    #03 Get started! Orientation in taxes and invoicing

    Are you struggling to write an invoice or a quote? Unsure about how to write invoices abroad? Or have you been wondering what the income tax, value-added tax (VAT) and so called “small businessperson regulation” (Kleinunternehmer-Regelung) is? Look no further! This online seminar offers information and guidance about taxes and invoicing in Germany.

    This online seminar by Kreativ Kultur Berlin is part of the event series 'Get started! First steps in self-employment' in cooperation with touring artists.

    Organisers: Kreativ Kultur Berlin & touring artists

    Time: 4 - 6.30 pm (CET)


    Language: English

    Information and registration

  • June 2024


    14 June 2024

    “Queer Art Bridge Berlin” Meet-up

    The meeting gives queer artists and cultural practitioners with and without refugee and migration experience, representatives from art and higher education institutions and other actors of the Berlin cultural scene the opportunity to make contacts in an informal setting to exchange ideas, stories and experiences. touring artists will be on site.

    Organiser: Village Berlin

    Time: 6 - 8.30 pm (CET)

    Venue: Village.Berlin

    Language: German and/or English


    Monday - Wednesday

    24 - 26 June 2024

    INTHEGA-Kongress 2024 - Theatermarkt und Fachtagung

    INTHEGA, Fachverband der Gastspielbranche, hosts its theatre market and a conference in Bielefeld. touring artists will be on site.

    Organiser: INTHEGA

    Venue: Stadthalle Bielefeld


  • May 2024


    13 May 2024

    Info session 'How to Artist-in-Residence'

    An informative crash course with the touring artists team on things we always wanted to know about "How to become an artist-in-residence": How and where can I find a suitable residency programme at home or abroad? Are there quality criteria? Can I bring my family? Are material costs reimbursed or maintenance paid? Are there any hidden costs? Are travel costs covered? Which residency programmes really make sense and why?

    The Landesbüro für Bildende Kunst (LaB K) NRW offers artists in North Rhine-Westphalia a mobile platform for advice, further education, debate and exchange on art and society. Participation in the workshop is also possible outside NRW.

    Organisers: Landesbüro für Bildende Kunst NRW & touring artists

    Time: 2 - 4 pm (CET)


    Language: German

    Information and registration



    25 May 2024

    Making it in Berlin - Immigration, Integration, and Collaboration

    Panel talk at the Berlin Dance Music Event on the topic 'Making it in Berlin - Immigration, Integration, and Collaboration'. We're excited!

    Organiser: Berlin Dance Music Event

    Time: 1.30 pm (CET)

    Venue: SAE Institute, Auditorium, Berlin

    Language: English



    27 May 2024

    Monthly Meet-Up: Contracts

    Contracts? It's better to have one, especially in the arts and culture sector. What should be included in a contract? What form can a contract have? Does everything in the contract apply? How can questions about the copyright be expressed? What can I do in case of a contract breach? What do I do if there is no contract and the other party won't pay me?

    In this MONTHLY MEET-UP, we return to an administrative topic. Our team members Sebastian and Felix offer a short presentation on contract drafting. Afterwards, you can ask the lawyer Laura Rothert (of Kanzlei Laaser) questions about your case.

    Organiser: touring artists and Goethe-Institut in Exile

    Time: 6pm - 8pm (CET)


    Language: English




    29 May 2024

    Input and Q&A "transport & costums“

    Info session with Tandem Lagerhaus und Kraftverkehr Kunst GmbH and touring artists for professionals in the visual arts who represent a gallery, project space or producer gallery. The focus will be on issues relating to customs and transport.

    Organiser: Kreativ-Transfer

    Time: 1 - 4 pm (CET)


    Language: German

    Information and registration

  • April 2024


    24 April 2024

    touring artists at Start Art Days

    touring artists at Start Art Days Düsseldorf.

    We will provide an overview of our information and helpdesk service and highlight important aspects of international cultural work. Focus: administrative questions that arise in cross-border work for artistic, curatorial and organisational practice.
    In the afternoon there will be space for individual consultations.

    Organiser: Start Art e. V.

    Time: 10am to 5pm (CET)

    Venue: Bürgersaal Bilk, Dusseldorf

    Language: German



    25 April 2024

    International touring – what do I need to consider?

    touring artists is part of the NEW TALENT programme at the c/o pop Convention in Cologne, facilitating the workshop "International touring – what do I need to consider?".
    The workshop will provide an overview of the administrative hurdles one can encounter when travelling internationally as a musician and offer space for questions in an "ask me anything" format.


    Organiser: POP NRW

    Time: 2.30 - 3.30 pm

    Venue: Herbrands, Cologne

    Language: German



    29 April 2024

    touring artists - artistic projects abroad

    Mobility is a central aspect of artistic practice. Do I remain insured through the KSK if I am travelling to Japan for a year? How do I organise a stay at an artist residency in Belgium? How do I take my artworks abroad? These and other questions will be discussed during the workshop - in cooperation with touring artists - which is aimed at artists who work in an international context and/or co-operate with international partners.


    Organiser: Kunstbüro Kunststiftung Baden-Württemberg

    Time: 11am - 2pm (CET)

    Venue: Kunststiftung Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart

    Language: German




    29 April 2024

    Touring: International // Information point and advice from touring artists

    touring artists is a guest of the festival double 10 tage freischwimmen.

    Do you have projects abroad and want to know how health insurance works? The theatre in France requires forms with strange names? Are you planning an event in Germany, inviting artists from abroad and finally want to know how the so-called "foreigner's tax" works? During an informal pop-up counselling session you can get free information and advice on your questions.

    Organiser: FREISCHWIMMEN & Rampe e.V.

    Time: 5 pm (CET)

    Venue: JES - Junges Ensemble Stuttgart (Foyer), Stuttgart

    Language: German/English



    29 April 2024

    Monthly Meet-Up: working in film

    We look forward to seeing you again at our MONTHLY MEET-UP in April. The film sector in Germany offers many different opportunities in Germany; sometimes so many opportunities that you don't know how best to orient yourself. How can I realize my own film project? How can I do this if I have not yet received any major funding or do not have any equipment at my disposal? How can I place my films at festivals? What other opportunities are there to work with film?

    Our guests this month are:
    - Vanessa Ciszewski (Katuhstudio)
    - Berenika Partum (Freie Managerin und Kuratorin)
    - Alexander Stein (Interfilm)

    They will give us insights into their working environments and share tips and tricks from their own practice. We will also have time to get to know each other and network.  




    Organiser: touring artists and Goethe-Institut in Exile

    Time: 6pm - 8pm (CET)


    Language: English



  • March 2024

    Wednesday - Friday

    13 - 15 March 2024

    Digital Symposium: Money Matters II

    (Legal) Foundations and An In-Depth Focus on Public Subsidies and Awarding

    The digital symposium organised by Performing Arts Programm Berlin looks at the basics of budgetary law when it comes to subsidies using public funds, at possible leeway when it comes to the terms “economy” and “frugality”, at the so-called prohibition on betterment and at the question which specific restricted taxable incomes are subject to the tax withholding procedure in accordance with § 50a?

    touring artists will be part of the session "Informing & Networking: An Overview of the Landscape" where networks, associations and help desk services provide on overview of their work (13 March, 2pm) and facilitates the workshop "Valued-Added Tax with Foreign Reference and Withholding Tax in Accordance with § 50a (Tax on Foreigners)" (14 March, 2.30pm).

    Organiser: Performing Arts Programm Berlin


    Language: German

    Information and registration



    15 March 2024

    Creative Community Summit

    Strategies of resilience and solidarity for the club scene in Ukraine. Explore strategies for collaboration between Ukrainian club culture and Berlin by bringing together club owners, promoters, collectives, artists, and cultural influencers.


    Organisers: Clubcommission & Unight

    Time: 1 - 10pm (CET)

    Venue: RSO.BERLIN

    Language: English

    Information and registration

  • February 2024


    2 February 2024

    Self-employed work in culture

    The workshop discusses the basics of working as a self-employed artist. Topics include the tax registration of self-employment, the difference between freelance and commercial work, invoicing, social security (artists' social security fund, hybrid employment, etc.) and other insurance options (Bayerische Bühnenversorgung, pension and accident insurance, etc.). Issues relating to cross-border work are taken into account for all topics.

    Organiser: Tanzbüro München

    Time: 10 am - 5.30 pm (CET)

    Venue: Studio 2, Munich

    Language: German



    23 February 2024

    Tanzplattform Deutschland 2024: Triangular Network meeting

    As part of the Tanzplattform 2024, the cultural administrations of the cities of Freiburg (D) and Basel (CH) are launching the second trinational network meeting on dance. The professional exchange is aimed specifically at representatives of cultural administrations, event organisers, funding institutions and associations in the border triangle with a transnational orientation. touring artists will take part in the exchange.

    Organiser: Theater Freiburg/Kulturamt Freiburg

    Time: 10.30pm - 1.30am (CET)

    Venueu: Unibibliothek Freiburg

    Language: German

    Information and registration


  • January 2024


    24 January 2024

    TOURING & GIPFELI #1: Touring in Germany

    touring artists is a guest at Input & Gipfeli, an event series by artFAQ in Zurich. The first focus for the series is touring in Germany. What do you need to consider if you have a guest performance or a tour in Germany? How do you negotiate the fee? What deductions are there, and where can you find help if you don't know what to do?

    Organiser: artFAQ

    Time: 9 -10 am (CET)


    Language: German



    26 January 2024

    Touring green with the Goethe-Institut

    Are you a musician and travelling internationally with your band? Are you an amateur or youth ensemble planning a tour abroad? Do you want to make the trip as climate-neutral and sustainable as possible because you care about conserving resources and protecting the environment?

    touring artists invites the Goethe-Institut, Music Division, to present the "Touring Green" funding programme in an information session, which is aimed at musicians, composers and ensembles and supports sustainable and resource-efficient music-related travel within Europe. Susanne Traub and Nico Sedlatschek will provide insights into good practice examples and answer your questions about the application process.

    Organiser: touring artists

    Time: 1 pm CET


    Language: German

    Registration via this link


    29 January 2024


    The independent games industry is a rapidly developing sector, and Berlin is one of its vibrant centers. The field is not only interesting for programmers, but also for artists, especially designers, visual artists, storytellers and authors, and of course musicians and composers. We would like to bring you into contact with personalities from the scene who can provide insights into their own work experiences. How do you make contact with game producers? How can you gain experience? What challenges do the various fields of work entail? This time there will be short inputs by

    • Almut Schwacke (Sound Designer, Foley Artist and Composer for Games)
    • Lorenzo Di Pilia (Curator and event producer, Founder of Talk&Play, part of Saftladen Kollektiv Berlin)
    • Ulrike Syha (Playwright and Drama Translator, working in game writing)

    Winter time means virus time, that's why we decided to hold this workshop online.

    The MONTHLY MEET-UP is a networking meeting for transnational artists who are new in Berlin.
    It offers the opportunity

    • to get advice on administrative questions relevant for your artistic work in Berlin (such as tax number, KSK (social security fund for artists) or visa issues),
    • to meet members of Berlin’s culture institutions and get to know their work,
    • to meet fellow artists and support each other,

    Organiser: touring artists

    Time: 6pm CET


    Language: English

    Registration via this link

  • November 2023

    11 November 2023

    Most Wanted Festival

    touring artists is a guest at the Most Wanted Festival on 15 November with two contributions. 
    The programme includes interactive talks, interviews and workshops with experts and artists from all over the world, experimental networking formats and live performances.
    The MW:M Convention is accompanied by the Listen to Berlin: Awards, the prizes for remarkable achievements in Berlin's music scene, and MW:M Live, Berlin's international showcase event, as well as the MW:M Satellites, a variety of partner events spread throughout the city of Berlin.

    Organiser: Most Wanted Festival 

    Venue: Kulturbrauerei, Berlin  

    Language: English

    Information and tickets


    27 November 2023

    MONTHLY MEET-UP - Working as a writer

    Join us for the next MONTHLY MEET-UP "Working as a writer"! You ever wondered about all the different possibilities to make a living as a writer in Berlin? Get to know writers, screen-writers, playwrights and translators from Berlin’s culture scene, exchange and learn about working and funding opportunities. Our guests at ACUD MACHT NEU in Berlin will be:

    • Dilan GeZaza (screenwriter, actor)
    • Dorothea Lautenschläger (drama panorama / / rua kooperative für text und regie)
    • Tom Bresemann (Lettrétage)


    We are again cooperating with the programme GOETHE-INSTITUT IN EXILE. In many countries the Goethe-Institut like other cultural institutes had to be closed due to war or censorship. GOETHE-INSTITUT IN EXILE aims to create a space where artists can meet, exchange and discuss. As part of this cooperation, we are moving our MONTHLY MEET-UP to ACUD MACHT NEU.

    The MONTHLY MEET-UP is a networking meeting for transnational artists who are new in Berlin.
    It offers the opportunity

    • to get advice on administrative questions relevant for your artistic work in Berlin (such as tax number, KSK (social security fund for artists) or visa issues),
    • to meet members of Berlin’s culture institutions and get to know their work,
    • to meet fellow artists and support each other,
    • to visit shows, performances and exhibitions together.

    Organisers: touring artists & GOETHE-INSTITUT IN EXILE

    Time: 6 pm CET

    Venue: ACUD MACHT NEU Berlin

    Language: English

    Please use this link to register


    27 November 2023

    Tours abroad

    What administrative regulations need to be observed for performances and events in other countries? Sebastian Hoffmann, touring artists, provides information on the basics of preparing and carrying out tours abroad: how does invoicing work for performances abroad, what is withholding tax  about, when is an A1 certificate needed, what is an ATA Carnet, is a work permit needed for performances abroad and where to apply for funding. The workshop is aimed at musicians who live in Germany and are planning international concerts and tours.

    Organisers: Pro Musik & PopBoard NRW

    Time: 11am to 1pm



  • October 2023

    Wednesday and Thursday 
    11 and 12 October 2023

    Systemcheck Conference

    touring artists is participating in the "Systemcheck" conference of the Bundesverband Freie Darstellende Künste e.V. on 11 and 12 October 2023. "Systemcheck" researches the work situation and social security of solo self-employed and hybrid employees in the performing arts and develops fair recommendations for action to improve it.

    Organiser: Bundesverband Freie Darstellende Künste e.V.

    Venue: Podewil, Berlin  

    Language: German

    Information and registration


    24 October 2023

    Value added tax in the international context: theory and practice

    This issue of Werkzeug & Austausch is dedicated by the produktionsbande to VAT in an international context. After a theory focus with an application outlook by Felix Sodemann (touring artists), Harriet Lesch will also take a closer look at the application in production practice together with Felix. 

    on theory:
    VAT regulations for cultural workers in the performing arts are often difficult to understand on a national level. It gets even more complicated when we are confronted with invoicing for international productions. After a short recap on the general meaning of VAT, the following questions will be addressed: How does VAT work in an international context? What is the reverse charge procedure? What is B2B and what is B2C? Are there exemptions? What do I have to pay attention to when paying tax? What must be considered with regard to subsidies?

    on practice:
    How does it work in practice? How do I find out if I have a foreign-related VAT case? How do we plan and calculate VAT in projects - in terms of time and budget? What do documents look like? What are the cross-regional differences in paying taxes? How important is professional tax advice? Which tax office do we actually talk to? For this, the produktionsbande is already collecting case studies to deal with such practical questions.

    a note:
    The focus of this W&A issue is on turnover tax in international work. It does not deal in depth with withholding or withholding tax (income tax) in international work. The connection with VAT is only briefly explained.

    Your questions:
    Please send your questions, open cases or well-solved examples specific to turnover tax with a foreign connection by 15 October 2023 either via the registration form or by e-mail to

    Organiser: produktionsbande

    Time: 10 am - 2 pm (CET)

    Place: online 

    Language: German

    Information and registration

  • September 2023


    6 September 2023

    Ask me Anything | First steps in self-employment

    The event series "Get started! First steps in self-employment" by Kreativ Kultur Berlin in cooperation with touring artists offered insights on various topics that are important for a start as a freelancer in Germany. However, not all questions were answered and an additional "Ask me Anything" session will now be offered, where questions regarding self-employment in Germany can be asked.
    Sebastian Hoffmann answers questions, focusing on the topics:

    • how to start as a freelancer,
    • tax and invoicing challenges,
    • health and social insurance basics.

    Organiser: Kreativ Kultur Berlin

    Time: 10 - 12 am


    Language: English

    Information and registration


    11 September 2023

    MONTHLY MEET-UP - Working as a visual artist in Berlin

    Join us for the next MONTHLY MEET-UP "Working as a visual artist in Berlin"! It will be a good opportunity for visual artists, curators and professionals from the visual arts to come together. Our guests at ACUD MACHT NEU in Berlin will be:

    • Andrzej Raszyk (Bezirksamt Mitte of Berlin/Fachbereich Kunst, Kultur und Geschichte),
    • Bettina Weiß (Netzwerk Freier Berliner Projekträume und -Initiativen),
    • Frauke Boggasch (bbk berlin) and
    • Linnéa Meiners (ACUD Galerie).

    We are again cooperating with the programme GOETHE-INSTITUT IN EXILE. In many countries the Goethe-Institut like other cultural institutes had to be closed due to war or censorship. GOETHE-INSTITUT IN EXILE aims to create a space where artists can meet, exchange and discuss. As part of this cooperation, we are moving our MONTHLY MEET-UP to ACUD MACHT NEU.

    The MONTHLY MEET-UP is a networking meeting for transnational artists who are new in Berlin.
    It offers the opportunity

    • to get advice on administrative questions relevant for your artistic work in Berlin (such as tax number, KSK (social security fund for artists) or visa issues),
    • to meet members of Berlin’s culture institutions and get to know their work,
    • to meet fellow artists and support each other,
    • to visit shows, performances and exhibitions together.

    Organisers: touring artists & GOETHE-INSTITUT IN EXILE

    Time: 6 pm CET

    Venue: ACUD MACHT NEU Berlin

    Language: English

    Please use this link to register


    12 September 2023

    Mobility4Creativity Forum

    Motovila is organising the 'Mobility4Creativity Forum' in Ljubljana. A sustainable mobility in the culture sector will be the subject of discussions.

    touring artists will be on site to present the work of the Mobility Info Points.

    Organiser: Motovila, Ljubljana

    Time: 9am - 3pm CET

    Venue: Alma Karlin Hall - Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana

    Language: English


    Wednesday + Thursday

    20 + 21 September 2023

    Brexit - Opportunities and prospects in the cultural sector

    touring artists/Brexit Infopoint is organising the symposium 'Brexit - Opportunities and prospects in the cultural sector' in Hamburg. The symposium aims at connecting actors from the cultural sector, cultural administrations and cultural policy and to improve the exchange of knowledge and experience on topics related to Brexit. The focus will be on cooperation between Germany and the United Kingdom, but perspectives from other EU states will also be examined.

    Registration is required for a participation on 20 Sept 2023. The event on 21 Sept can be attended spontaneously without registration and also without a Reeperbahn Festival ticket. The symposium will be held in English and German, participation is free of charge.

    Day 1

    The focus will be on cultural policy issues: What are the prospects for bilateral cooperation, especially at the municipal level? What funding instruments are there to further promote cultural exchange? What institutions and facilities are there?

    Schedule - Kampnagel, Hamburg*

    9:00   Meet & Greet
    9:30   Welcome by Amelie Deuflhard (Kampnagel) und Felix Sodemann (touring artists/ITI Germany)

    9:45   Panel 1: Residencies (digital participation possible)
    Bojana Panevska (Transartists I Dutch Culture / On the Move), Claudia Scholtz (Hessische Kulturstiftung), Dr. Joseph Young (visual artist); moderation: Constanze Brockmann (touring artists/IGBK)

    11:00 Panel 2: Festivals (digital participation possible)
    Christian Morin (Pop-Kultur Festival), Jess Partridge (On the Move), Simon Mundy (European Festival Association); moderation: Sophie Dowden

    12:00 Lunch Break

    13:30 - Workshop: Funding opportunities with Goethe Institute London, OTM, Kretiv-Transfer and Pop Culture and Film Departement of the Cologne Cultural Office

    15:00 Break
    15:45 Wrap-Up / Summaries from the workshop

    16:00 Closing panel (digital participation possible)
    Frank Baumann (Goethe Institute London), Simon Mundy (European Festivals Association); moderation: Sophie Dowden
    18:00 Farewell

    *Subject to change!

    Day 2

    The second day will be part of the official conference programme of the Reeperbahnfestival in the location Pauli Spirit. Various keynotes will focus on practical information. Experts will share their experiences on topics such as entering the United Kingdom, customs issues, etc. A panel will discuss current challenges and perspectives for the cultural sector in the wake of the Brexit. Keynotes in English or German, panel in English.

    Schedule - Pauli Spirit, Hamburg*

    12:30 Welcome / What is touring artists? (Christine Heemsoth, touring artists/IGBK)

    13:00 Keynote 1: Entry from UK to Schengen (Felix Sodemann, touring artists/ITI Germany)

    13:45 Keynote 2: Entering UK: Visa & Touring in UK (Katie James, Arts Info Point UK & Christian Morin, Headquarter Entertainment)

    14:30 Keynote 3: Carnet ATA (Sebastian Eppner)

    15:15 Keynote 4: Taxes in UK / Customs in UK (Kevin Offer, Hardwick and Morris LLP)

    16:30 Closing panel: Best of Brexit?
    Dave Webster (Musicians' Union), Stevie Toddler alias psych-jazz 7-piece-Rum-Buffalo, Katie James (Arts Info Point UK), Nina Radojewski (AIM); moderation: Steve Blame

    ca. 18:00 Reception and concert with KEIR

    *Subject to change!

    Organiser: touring artists Brexit Infopoint

    Venue: Kampnagel and Pauli Spirit, Hamburg

    Language: English and German


  • August 2023


    9 August 2023

    #4 Get started! Health and social insurance basics

    In this online seminar you get an overview of the German health and social insurance system.

    The seminar is part of the event series Get started! First steps in self-employment in cooperation with touring artists. With this series of online and offline events, insights on various topics that are important for your start into self-employment in Germany are offered. In addition, tips and good practice examples will be given and networking with other artists and creative professionals in Berlin will be supported.

    Organiser: Kreativ Kultur Berlin

    Time: 4 - 6 pm CET


    Language: English

    Information and registration


    16 August 2023

    Introduction to Künstlersozialkasse (KSK)

    Online seminar by Kreativ Kultur Berlin. What is the Künstlersozialkasse (KSK) and how does it work? How do I join the KSK and what should I pay attention to in my application? What do I have to consider once I’m a member?
    Felix Sodemann from touring artists gives an introduction and answers initial questions. The experts Andri Jürgensen and Kathleen Parker will answer further questions afterwards.

    Organiser: Kreativ Kultur Berlin

    Time: 10 am - 1 pm CET

    Venue: online

    Language: German, English

    Information and registration


    24 August 2023

    #5 Get connected! Networking in Berlin’s creative and cultural scene

    In this event established Berlin-based cultural and creative professionals from various art scenes and sectors will be present. With a face-to-face exchange you can learn from their experiences.

    The event is part of the event series Get started! First steps in self-employment in cooperation with touring artists. With this series of online and offline events, insights on various topics that are important for your start into self-employment in Germany is offered. In addition, tips and good practice examples will be given and networking with other artists and creative professionals in Berlin will be supported.

    Organiser: Kreativ Kultur Berlin

    Time: 5 - 8 pm CET

    Venue: Podewil, Berlin

    Language: English

    Information and registration

  • July 2023


    4 July 2023

    residencies mapping networking

    IGBK invites residency operators to a networking meeting.
    Part of the agenda is an exchange with the touring artists helpdesk service about challenging issues, such as visa, transport/customs, social security etc., the presentation of the planned residency mapping on IGBK's website and an exchange with a representative of the Arbeitskreis Deutscher Internationaler Residenzprogramme (ADIR / Working Group of German International Residence Programs).

    The meeeting is part of IGBK's programmes Mapping artist residencies in Germany and encouraging their networking.

    Organiser: Internationale Gesellschaft der Bildenden Künste

    Time: 2 - 4 pm MEZ


    Language: German

    Information and registration here


    6 July 2023

    #1 Get connected! Networking in Berlin’s creative and cultural scene

    In this event established Berlin-based cultural and creative professionals from various art scenes and sectors will be present. With a face-to-face exchange you can learn from their experiences.

    The event is part of the event series Get started! First steps in self-employment in cooperation with touring artists. With this series of online and offline events, insights on various topics that are important for your start into self-employment in Germany is offered. In addition, tips and good practice examples will be given and networking with other artists and creative professionals in Berlin will be supported.

    Organiser: Kreativ Kultur Berlin

    Time: 5 pm CET

    Venue: Podewil, Berlin

    Language: English

    Information and registration

    Tuesday + Wednesday

    11 + 12 July 2023

    touring artists & Goethe-Institut in Exile

    11 July 2023, 3 pm: Lecture performance “Who writes the history and how?”

    12 July 2023, 3 pm: Panel discussion “Art in Exile or Weltenkunst?”

    How can artists who have had to leave their homeland for political reasons relate what they have experienced in their new environments – in environments that may not be familiar with the contexts of this art or may have certain expectations of what is being related? How do artists manage to continue the narrative of their artistic and political actions? To what extent does the label “artist in exile” impose limitations by withholding the true universal value of this art? Conversely, how do artists who do not explicitly depict war and authoritarianism in their art deal with the fact that they are confronted with certain expectations?

    Artist Sanaz Azimipour will ask how the first 100 days of the Jina Revolution have been related and can continue be related in the future in her lecture performance “Who writes the history and how?” on 11 July. Building on this, artists and representatives of cultural institutions will come together for the “Art in Exile or Weltenkunst?” panel discussion on 12 July, to discuss how art created in the context of war and authoritarianism can break free from labels and expectations.

    touring artists & Goethe-Institut in Exile is part of the ITI programme at Theater der Welt 2023.

    Organisers: touring artists and Goethe-Institut in Exile

    Time: both days at 3 pm

    Venue: Museum Angewandte Kunst, Frankfurt/Main

    Language: English



    19 July 2023

    #2 Get started: Introduction to freelancing

    In this online seminar you learn how to apply for your tax number, as well as what self-employment in the arts and creative industries requires in Germany.

    The seminar is part of the event series Get started! First steps in self-employment in cooperation with touring artists. With this series of online and offline events, insights on various topics that are important for your start into self-employment in Germany are offered. In addition, tips and good practice examples will be given and networking with other artists and creative professionals in Berlin will be supported.

    Organiser: Kreativ Kultur Berlin

    Time: 4 - 6 pm CET


    Language: English

    Information and registration


    26 July 2023

    #3 Get started! Orientation in taxes and invoicing

    The online seminar gives a first orientation in taxes and invoicing.

    The seminar is part of the event series Get started! First steps in self-employment in cooperation with touring artists. With this series of online and offline events, insights on various topics that are important for your start into self-employment in Germany are offered. In addition, tips and good practice examples will be given and networking with other artists and creative professionals in Berlin will be supported.

    Organiser: Kreativ Kultur Berlin

    Time: 4 - 6 pm CET


    Language: English

    Information and registration

  • June 2023


    14 June 2023

    Working abroad - what do I have to keep in mind?

    touring artists is again a guest of the Performing Arts Programm Berlin.

    Guest performances or other artistic activities outside Germany are increasingly common. Which administrative regulations must be observed when working abroad? This workshop will explain the following basic principles: invoicing abroad (VAT in an international context), foreign withholding tax, coordination of social security in Europe and (self) posting with an A1 certificate, right of residence in states outside the EU as well as customs law, with a focus on applying for carnets. The workshop is aimed at artists living in Germany who are planning projects outside Germany.

    Organiser: Performing Arts Programm Berlin

    Time: 10am - 1pm MEZ

    Venue: online

    Language: English

    Information and registration here

  • May 2023

    14 May 2023

    ARTISTS! in Exile: Building connections through shared knowledge, workshops and collaborations

    As part of the XJAZZ! FESTIVAL – 8 to 14 May 2023 in Berlin – and in collaboration with GOETHE-INSTITUT IM EXIL, the programme brings essential information, personal connections, and knowledge to artists in exile and provides a platform to build a strong community. touring artists will be on-site and will take part in the discussions.
    More information to come!

    Organiser: XJAZZ! Festival

    Time: 12am - 6.30pm

    Venue: in Berlin/Kreuzberg, venue to be announced

    Information, registration via this form

    16 May 2023
    17 May 2023


    Strasbourg Music Week - La connaissance des marchés

    At the Strasbourg Music Week, touring artists will be present at two presentations and discussions under the label 'La connaissance des marchés' (Knowing the markets):
    On the topic 'structure and financing' - How do you finance a company in Germany or Switzerland? Is a licence mandatory? An overview of different structures in Europe.
    And on the topic 'Payments and contracts' - contracts, salaries, holidays, rights, etc.

    Organiser: Diffusion Prod

    Time: 3.30 - 5.30 pm on both days

    16 May: Auditorium du Musee d'Art Moderne, Strasbourg
    17 May: La Maison Bleue, Strasbourg


    22 May 2023

    MONTHLY MEET-UP: Working in the performing arts

    Our next MONTHLY MEET-UP will be a good opportunity for theatre makers, performers and professionals from the theatre world to come together. Our guests this month will be a.o.

    For the third time we are cooperating with the programme GOETHE-INSTITUT IM EXIL. In many countries Goethe-Instituts and other cultural institutes had to be closed due to war or censorship. GOETHE-INSTITUT IM EXIL aims to create a space where artists can meet, exchange and discuss. As part of this cooperation, we are moving our MONTHLY MEET-UP to ACUD MACHT NEU Berlin.

    Organiser: touring artists &

    Time: 6 - 8 pm MEZ 

    Venue: ACUD MACHT NEU Berlin

    Language: English

    Registration here.

  • April 2023

    4 April 2023


    Working abroad - what do I have to consider?

    touring artists is a guest of the Performing Arts Programm Berlin.

    Guest performances or other artistic activities outside Germany are increasingly common. Which administrative regulations must be observed when working abroad? This workshop will explain the following basic principles: invoicing abroad (VAT in an international context), foreign withholding tax, coordination of social security in Europe and (self) posting with an A1 certificate, right of residence in states outside the EU as well as customs law, with a focus on applying for carnets. The workshop is aimed at artists living in Germany who are planning projects outside Germany.

    Organiser: Performing Arts Programm Berlin

    Time: 10am - 1pm


    Language: German, Q&A possible in English

    Information and registration here


    Sprache: Deutsch, Q&A auf Englisch möglich

    Informationen und Anmeldung hier

    17 April 2023


    Visual arts in Germany and the UK – an opportunity to network and learn

    We want to bring the visual arts scenes in Germany and the UK together! If you are an artist, gallerist, visual arts organisation, or even from another of the cultural sectors, come along to our online event as we explore the visual arts in Germany and the UK. During the session, key organisations will present the current funding and support structures for the visual arts in Germany and across all 4 nations of the UK. It will also be an important opportunity for you to meet each other and network during the session through breakout rooms, and an opportunity to ask questions.

    Organiser: touring artists, IGBK, Arts Infopoint UK

    Time: 4 - 5.30 pm GMT / 5 - 6.30 pm CEST

    Online via Zoom

    Language: English

    Information and registration here

    22 April 2023


    touring artists at Discovery Art Fair Cologne

    touring artists will be a guest at the Discovery Art Fair Cologne for contemporary art. This year's event will take place from 21 to 23 April in Cologne at XPost, the second part is organised in Frankfurt/Main in November.
    We will be present in Cologne to present touring artists information and helpdesk service.

    Organiser: Discovery Art Fair

    Time: 9.15 - 10.45 am

    Venue: XPOST Köln

    Language: German


    29 April 2023


    Brexit Infopoint at jazzahead!

    There has been a long and lively exchange between the German and British jazz scene. As in many other areas, the Brexit has been a major cut in this relation as well. In 2022 the information and helpdesk service touring artists launched its Brexit Infopoint. Brexit Infopoint provides information and advice to artists, creatives and organisers in the cultural sector on administrative issues relating to cross-border work between the UK and Germany/the Schengen area. In this short presentation we give insights into our work: What are the main administrative obstacles for cross border activities? What are the issues we can support you with (visa and work permits, customs, taxation etc.)?

    Organiser: jazzahead!

    Time: 2.45 - 3.15 pm

    Venue: Bremen Messe

    Language: English

    Information hier

  • March 2023


    7 March 2023

    International Artist Mobility Coffee Mornings

    Arts Infopoint UK welcomes representatives from On The Move Mobility Information Points (MIPs) for the next online coffee morning.

    The MIPs host a great deal of free resources and information for cultural cross-border work in each of their respective countries. They are a welcome point for artists, arts professionals and organisations, and support them to plan creative visits to their countries. MIPs are a reliable source of information for the arts sector in relation to the official requirements and administrative processes of creative visits. 

    The session will give an up-date of the resources MIPs in Belgium, Portugal, France, Germany and in the Netherlands can offer artists from the UK visiting their respective countries. There will be an opportunity to ask questions on practical aspects of mobility.

    Organiser: Arts Infopoint UK

    Time: 9.30am GMT (10.30 Uhr CET)


    Language: English

    Information and registration


    13th March

    International Taxes

    touring artists is a guest of the Performing Arts Programm Berlin.

    What do you have to bear in mind when it comes to taxes over the course of international cooperations? When am I responsible for the withholding tax (the so-called “foreigner tax”) and what exceptions exist? What special rules do I have to keep in mind when paying value-added tax? To what extent is my link to value-added tax in Germany relevant as an artist or a company?
    This seminar will provide answers to these and other questions concerning international tax law; the prerequisite for attending this seminar is having attended the seminar Taxes in Germany or having basic knowledge of German tax law.

    Organiser: Performing Arts Programm Berlin

    Time: 10 am - 1 pm


    Language: English

    Information and registration


    March 20th

    Monthly Meet-Up: musicians, festivals, funding, locations - meet the music scene

    Our next Monthly Meet-Up is the perfect opportunity for musicians, festival organizers, and music industry professionals to come together. The event is designed to foster an inclusive and collaborative environment that encourages knowledge sharing and networking.

    For the second time we are cooperating with the programme GOETHE-INSTITUT IM EXIL. In many countries Goethe-Instituts and other cultural institutes had to be closed due to war or censorship. GOETHE-INSTITUT IM EXIL aims to create a new space where artists can meet, exchange and discuss. As part of this cooperation, we are also moving our MONTHLY MEET-UP to ACUD MACHT NEU.

    Our guests:

    Lisa Benjes (field notes)

    Yeşim Duman (PopKultur)

    Korhan Erel (musician)

    Mario Michel (Ausland Berlin)

    Organiser: touring artists x Goethe in Exile

    Time: 5 pm


    Language: English


  • February 2023


    8 February 2023

    Brexit – All About Touring in the UK

    touring artists is a guest of the webinar of Initiative Musik.

    The UK’s exit from the EU also affects musicians from Germany and the local music industry. What does this mean in detail for mobility from Germany to the UK? The webinar will present the most important changes and consequences of Brexit for musicians and representatives of the German music industry. Among other things, the new entry regulations to the UK will be discussed, as well as aspects such as taxes, social security and transport/customs regulations in the UK. The event is an update of the info event from 2021, participation is free of charge.

    Organiser: Initiative Musik

    Time: 4 pm to 5.30 pm


    Language: German

    Information and registration here

    Wednesday - Friday

    15 - 17 February 2023

    Digital Symposium - Money Matters: Accounting and Procurement Law Explained, Inquired and Discussed

    PAP Berlin takes a close look at an important topic within the independent performing arts: accounting and procurement law. The digital symposium reflects upon this topic from different points of views.

    On 15 February, 2 to 3 pm, touring artists and PAP, PerformYourArt facilitate the workshop 'Paths Through the Labyrinth of Accounting' - a workshop dedicated at beginners.

    Organiser: Performing Arts Programm Berlin

    Time: 15 February, from 10am


    Language: German, English translation

    Information and registration here


    20 February 2023

    MONTHLY MEET-UP: Working as a film artist in Berlin

    touring artists' MONTHLY MEET-UP meets GOETHE-INSTITUT IM EXIL.

    It's Berlinale time again. We invite transnational filmmakers who are new to Berlin to ACUD MACHT NEU. We will welcome guest speakers who can look back on a longer experience as filmmakers (in Berlin and in Germany). They will give us an insight into their work and share their experiences of the film industry in Berlin and Germany. At the same time, we want to get to know you and your projects and give you space to network.

    For the first time we are cooperating with the programme GOETHE-INSTITUT IM EXIL. In many countries Goethe-Instituts and other cultural institutes had to be closed due to war or censorship. Goethe-Institut im Exil aims to create a new space where artists can meet, exchange and discuss. As part of this cooperation, we are also moving our MONTHLY MEET-UP to ACUD MACHT NEU.

    Our guests

    Bärbel Mauch studied art and Romance studies. In 2001 she founded the production company BÄRBEL MAUCH FILM, with which she (co)produces films on an International level, working mainly in collaboration with African filmmakers . The company offers itself also as a consulting agent for production, distribution and for film festivals, especially from Germany, France and Africa and gives workshops on Documentary filmmaking.

    Mohammad Shawky Hassan is an Egyptian filmmaker, writer and video artist living and working in Berlin since 2019. His video “And on a Different Note” was acquired by the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York as part of its permanent collection in 2016, and his last film "Shall I Compare You to a Summer's Day?" premiered at the Berlinale Forum in 2022. He is currently a visiting lecturer at Humboldt University’s Center for Transdisciplinary Gender Studies.

    Anja Dornieden is a filmmaker and holds an MA in Media Studies from the New School University, New York. In addition to her artistic work, she also works for the Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF. In particular, she is responsible for the PrepClass program. Through PrepClass, prospective international students are supported in applying for one of the artistic degree programs at the university.

    Organiser: touring artists x Goethe-Institut im Exil

    Time: 20 February, 5 pm

    ACUD MACHT NEU, Veteranenstraße 21

    Language: English

    Information and registration here

  • January 2023


    23 January 2023


    Our topic for the next session: Political representation: unions and stakeholders for artists in Berlin.
    This time, representatives from bbk berlin, vom LAFT Berlin und von ver.di – Bereich Medien, Kunst und Industrie Berlin-Brandenburg will be our guests.

    The MONTHLY MEET-UP is a network meeting for transnational artists who are new to Berlin and are trying to establish themselves here.
    It offers you the opportunity to
    -receive advice on administrative issues relevant to your artistic work in Berlin (e.g. tax number, KSK (Künstlersozialkasse) or visa issues).
    -meet members of Berlin art institutions and get to know their work.
    -meet other artists, network and support each other.
    -to visit shows, performances and exhibitions together.

    Organiser: touring artists

    Time: 5 to 7 pm

    Venue: online, Zoom

  • December 2022


    2 December 2022

    UK - EU: What is new after Brexit?

    Meet Arts Infopoint UK and the touring artists Brexit Info Point.

    At the beginning of December, the Mobility Info Points will meet in Berlin to exchange information on the challenges and new regulations in cooperations between the United Kingdom and the EU member states after the Brexit.

    We would like to invite you to a network meeting which offers the possibility to get to know Arts Infopoint UK and touring artists Brexit Info Point. Networking, exchange on new regulations, learning from one another are the focus of the meeting.

    Organiser: touring artists, Mobility Information Points (MIP)

    Time: 5:30 to 7 pm


    Language: English


    5 December 2022


    Our topic for the next session: Event locations in Berlin. How can artists in Berlin organise their own performance venues and what should be considered? Guests will be Vierte Welt and

    The MONTHLY MEET-UP is a network meeting for transnational artists in Berlin, that are new to Berlin and try to get a foothold here. It will give you the chance

    • to get advice on administrative questions relevant for your artistic work in Berlin (such as tax number, KSK (social security fund for artists) or visa issues)
    • meet members of Berlin’s art institutions and get to know their work
    • meet fellow artists and support each other
    • visit shows, performances and exhibitions together

    Organiser: touring artists

    Time: 5 to 7 pm

    Venue: Mediathek des Internationales Theater Instituts (ITI)

  • November 2022


    9 November 2022

    Expert Circle: How to find the right funding for your music related project

    touring artists is a guest at the Most Wanted: Music Convention and part of he panel 'How to find the right funding for your music related project‘.


    Organiser: berlin music commission

    Time: 4:30 to 5:30 pm

    Venue: Kulturbrauerei, Berlin

    Language: English

    Information here


    10 November 2022

    Getting a foothold in Germany as an artist - تاسیس کسب و کار در آلمان به عنوان یک هنرمند

    Our workshop offers an introduction into the following topics:
    • Setting up a business and registering self-employment with the tax office. What are the first steps that need to be taken to work as a freelance artist in Germany?
    • Health insurance for self-employed artists: the Künstlersozialkasse. How does it work? How do I get in? And why is it so important?
    • Overview of the funding landscape in Germany. How is arts and culture funding structured? What programmes are available and what are the basics of an application?

    تاسیس کسب و کار در آلمان به عنوان یک هنرمند (آموزش به زبان آلمانی با ترجمه همزمان به زبان دری)

    ما آموزش مقدمه ای را بر اساس این سه موضوع ارائه می دهیم

    تاسیس و یا راه اندازی کسب و کار و ثبت خوداشتغالی در اداره مالیات. اولین قدم هایی که برای کار به عنوان یک هنرمند آزاد در آلمان باید برداشته شود چه چیزهایی میباشند؟

    بیمه سلامت برای هنرمندان خوداشتغال: صندوق تامین اجتماعی هنرمندان. چگونه کار می کند؟

    چگونه وارد آن شوم؟

    و چرا اینقدر مهم است؟

    مروری بر چشم انداز پشتیبانی در آلمان. ساختارپشتیبانی هنر و فرهنگ در آلمان چگونه است؟

    چه برنامه هایی وجود دارد و جزء های اساسی درخواست پشتیبانی مالی چیست؟

    Organiser: touring artists

    Time: 3 to 6 pm


    Language: German, simultaneous translation into Dari

    Information here


    22 November 2022

    Monthly Meet-up

    MONTHLY MEET-UP on the topic "Rehearsal and work spaces in Berlin".

    How to find them? What to pay attention to? A.o. with inputs by:
    Proberaumplattform Berlin
    Kultur Räume Berlin
    Landesmusikrat Berlin

    The MONTHLY MEET-UP is a network meeting for transnational artists in Berlin, that are new to Berlin and try to get a foothold here. It will give you the chance

    • to get advice on administrative questions relevant for your artistic work in Berlin (such as tax number, KSK (social security fund for artists) or visa issues)
    • meet members of Berlin’s art institutions and get to know their work
    • meet fellow artists and support each other
    • visit shows, performances and exhibitions together

    Organiser: touring artists

    Time: 5 to 7 pm

    Ort: Mediathek des Internationalen Theaterinstituts (ITI)


    24 November 2022

    International taxes

    touring artists is a guest at the PAP workshop.

    What do you have to bear in mind when it comes to taxes over the course of international cooperations? When am I responsible for the withholding tax (the so-called “foreigner tax”) and what exceptions exist? What special rules do I have to keep in mind when paying value-added tax? The workshop will provide answers to these and other questions concerning international tax law.

    Organiser: Performing Arts Programm Berlin

    Time: 3 to 6 pm


    Language: German

    Information available here

  • October 2022


    11 October 2022

    Visual Arts Networking Online-Event on Collaborations between the UK and Germany

    IGBK and the touring artists/Brexit Infopoint invite you to an online networking meeting Germany - UK on 11 October 2022.

    We ask visual artists, artists' associations and -residencies, etc. about their experiences with cross-border collaborations, exhibitions, residencies, etc. in the United Kingdom after it has left the European Union and now that new administrative issues are arising.
    We would like to talk with you about your experiences and at the same time find out what support actors in the visual arts scene need in order to be able to continue collaborations and residencies. Please note the meeting is in German, but questions and comments in English are of course very welcome!

    We are happy to discuss with you topics such as:

    • Entry, residence and access to the labor market
    • Transport of art objects, equipment, merchandise
    • Questions of social security and also other insurances
    • Tax aspects (withholding tax, sales tax)
    • Drafting of contracts
    • Research for funding opportunities (export, travel and transport funding, funding of foreign projects) etc.

    Organiser: touring artists/Brexit Infopoint & IGBK

    Time: 11 to 12:30 am

    Online via Zoom

    Language: German

    Monday & Tuesday

    10 & 11 October 2022

    Get started in Germany - Toolbox for Music Freelancers

    To be able to work as a freelance artist in Germany, you have to take a lot of things into account. Germany is known to be quite bureaucratically organised and you have to follow a lot of regulations and paperwork.
    The workshop gives an overview of all the requirements, peculiarities and framework conditions that have to be observed as a freelance artist:in Germany.

    Organiser: Music Pool Berlin
    in cooperation with touring artists

    Part 1:
    10 October, 2 to 5 pm

    Part 2:
    11 October, 2 to 7 pm

    Venue: House of Music, Berlin

    Language: English

    Information here


    20 October 2022

    Workshop 'Sustainable Touring' & Fishbowl 'Advisement - Addiction or Autonomy'

    10th Industry Get-Together of the Independent Performing Arts Community byPerforming Arts Programm Berlin, 20 to 22 October

    touring artists is part of the programm.

    Organiser: PAP Berlin

    Workshop 'Sustainable touring'
    Time: 12 am to 4 pm
    Venue: Theater Strahl am Ostkreuz, Berlin
    Language: Germany and English

    Fishbowl 'Advisement - Addiction or Autonomy'
    Time: 3 to 6 pm
    Language; German
