Step by step, our guide will lead you to all the important information you might need for your international work.

Here we go!

The Guide

Contact points - networks

Contact points - advisory services in Germany

The following contact points offer information on administrative issues in Germany specific to the sector and on contacts in the (regional) scene, including advice, professionalisation programmes, events, etc.


LaFT-BW represents independent dance and theatre professionals in Baden-Wuerttemberg.

Freie Tanz- und Theaterszene Stuttgart
Representation of the independent performing scene in Stuttgart and the region, including information and services for the scene. 
Information (only available in German)

Produktionszentrum Tanz + Performance
Rehearsal and counselling centre, project initiator for the independent dance and performance scene in Baden-Wuerttemberg. 

Landesverband Amateurtheater Baden-Württemberg
Advice and service, support, training, networking for members. 
Information (only available in German)

BBK Landesverband Baden-Württemberg
Representation of interests of visual artists in Baden-Wuerttemberg. 
Information (only available in German)

Kunstbüro der Kunststiftung Baden-Württemberg
Professionalisation and empowerment of visual artists; individual counselling, workshops, seminars, lectures, discourse events. 

Landesmusikrat Baden-Württemberg
Umbrella organization of associations and institutions in the field of music in Baden-Württemberg.
Information (only available in German)

Pop-Büro Region Stuttgart
Promotion of pop music and pop culture, central contact point for artists and professionals involved in pop culture. 
Information (only available in German)

Culture and creative industries

MFG Baden-Württemberg
Support for cultural and creative practitioners; advice, promotion, networking. 
Information (only available in German)

RKW Baden-Württemberg
Creative industries - contact point for art and culture professionals from Baden-Wuerttemberg. 
Information (only available in German)

KUBUZZ Kultur Business Zukunft
Training and coaching program related to self-employment

Initial consultation & labour market access

Welcome Center Stuttgart
Orientation and counselling for newcomers and immigrants in Stuttgart and the region. 

AWO Baden-Württemberg
Counselling centres for adult immigrants in Baden-Wuerttemberg. 
Information (only available in German)

Contacts for newly arrived artists and creatives are also listed here.

To top


Verband Freie Darstellende Künste Bayern
Representation of the professional independent performing arts in Bavaria. 
Information (only available in German)

Bayerische Landesverband für zeitgenössischen Tanz (BLZT)
Representation of dance professionals in Bavaria in public; also support of projects, productions. 
Information (only available in German)

Tanzzentrale der Region Nürnberg
A place of research, discourse, exchange and networking for dance practitioners. 

Verband Bayerischer Amateurtheater
Advice and service, support, training, networking for members. 
Information (only available in German) 

BBK Landesverband Bayern
Representation of interests of visual artists in Bavaria. 
Information (only available in German)

Bayerischer Musikrat
Union of the institutions and associations of musical life in Bavaria.
Information (only available in German) 

Verband für Popkultur in Bayern
Promotion, qualification and further training, etc.. 
Information (only available in German)

Culture and creative industries

Bavarian Centre for the Cultural and Creative Industries - bayernkreativ '
Advice, networking, support for cultural and creative workers in Bavaria. 

Bayerischer Landesverband der Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft
'Business advice, legal advice, information etc. for members. 
Information (only available in German)


Initial consultation & labour market access

AWO München
Information centre migration and work; migration counselling. 
Information (only available in German)

Bayerischer Flüchtlingsrat
Legal advice, individual case assistance etc.. 
Information (only available in German)

Contacts for newly arrived artists and creatives are also listed here.

To top


Landesmusikrat Berlin – Information about the music job market in Berlin
Advice and accompaniment for newly-arriving musicians. 

Music Pool Berlin
Consultation on all questions pertaining to the music business. 

Performing Arts Programme PAP Berlin – Information, Consultation & Qualification
For the independent performing arts community. 

Tanzbüro / Tanzraum Berlin
For Berlin dance professionals and interested parties from other cities and countries. 

bbk berlin – Office for artist consulting
Advice for visual artists from Germany and abroad, who want to start their career in Berlin. 

Clubcommission Berlin – Consultation
For event managers and club owners in Berlin. 
Information (only available in German)

Kreativ Kultur Berlin
Cultural funding consultation & creative industries consultation. 

WeTeK Berlin – Creative Service Center
For artists and freelancers working in the creative industries in Berlin. 

Berlin Music Commission
Networking, strengthening and representing companies and actors in Berlin's music industry.


Guwbi – Gesellschaft für Urbane Wirtschaft, Beschäftigung und Integration
Supports people with a migration history in starting their own business and running their own business.
Information and consulting services related to business start-up. 

Initial consultation & labour market access  

Welcome Center Berlin
Provides free advice on arrival, entry and residence, social benefits, employment and training, and more.

Arbeiterwohlfahrt AWO Berlin (Workers‘ Welfare Association Berlin) – Migrationsberatung für erwachsene Zuwander:innen (immigration counseling for adults)
AWO Berlin runs several advice centers for integration and immigration in Berlin.

Kontakt- und Beratungsstelle für Flüchtlinge und Migrant_innen
Advice on the right of asylum and the right of residence.

bridge – Berliner Netzwerk für Bleiberecht
Labor Market Integration for Refugees.
Information (only available in German)

Berliner Beratungszentrum für Migration und Gute Arbeit BEMA
Consultation on labour law and social law. 

Contacts for newly arrived artists and creatives are also listed here.

To top


Freie Darstellende Künste Brandenburg
Point of contact in the field of the independent performing arts in Brandenburg. 
Information (only available in German)

BBK Brandenburg
Representation of interests of visual artists in Brandenburg.
Information (only available in German)

filmcommission Berlin Brandenburg
Point of contact for filmmakers regarding filming permits, locations, contacts etc.

ImPuls Brandenburg
Support for actors in socio-culture. 
Information (only available in German

Landesmusikrat Brandenburg
Umbrella organisation in the field of amateur and professional music.
Information (only available in German)

Made in Brandenburg
Support for Brandenburg musicians and the regional music industry.
Information (only available in German)

Brandenburgisches Literaturbüro
Supports literary creation in Brandenburg by organizing readings, exhibitions and issuing publications.
Information (only available in German

Brandenburgischer Literaturrat
Focus: Promoting readings and literary events by Brandenburg authors in Brandenburg.
Information (only available in German)


Culture and creative industries

Kreatives Brandenburg
Information portal for the creative industries 
Information (only available in German)

Kreative Lausitz
Association by and for members of the creative and cultural industries.
Information (only available in German)


Initial consultation & labour market access

IQ Network Brandenburg
Integration of migrants into the jobs market in Brandenburg. 

Contacts for newly arrived artists and creatives are also listed here.

To top


Berufsverband Bildender Künstler (BBK) Bremen
Supporting professional interests of visual artists in Bremen, networking in Germany and abroad.

Künstlerinnenverband Bremen GEDOK
Association for female artists and scientists from the fields of visual arts, music, multimedia, performance.
Information (only available in German)

Landesmusikrat Bremen
Contact point for amateur and professional music in Bremen; projects, workshops etc.
Information (only available in German)

Deutscher Tonkünstlerverband, Bremen
Contact point regarding music tuition and concerts in Bremen.
Information (only available in German)

Pop Office Bremen
Contact point for the pop culture scene; topics: structural development, funding, cooperation.

Musikszene Bremen
Contact point for bands; rehearsal room search, workshops, advice.
Information (only available in German)

Landesverband freie darstellende Künste Bremen (LAFDK) Bremen
Contact point for concerns in the field of conception and realisation of artistic productions and projects for actors from Bremen; individual consultations, workshops, further training.

Tanzbüro Bremen
Contact point for dance professionals in Bremen; advice on funding, project etc.
Information (only available in German)

Filmbüro Bremen
Representation of the interests of Bremen filmmakers; initial advice for newcomers, networking, project funding, screening opportunities, further training.
Information (only available in German)

Freie Agentur e.V.
Provides a platform for filmmakers in Bremen.
Information (only availbale in German)

Film Commission Niedersachsen & Bremen
Contact for all those who want to shoot in Bremen or Lower Saxony.

Culture and creative industries

Klub Dialog
Cultural and creative industries network.
Information (only available in German)

Creative Hub
Bremen's Creative and Innovation Centre.
Information (only available in German)

ZZZ ZwischenZeitZentrale Bremen
ZZZ fördert und unterstützt Zwischennutzungsprojekte in Bremen.
Information (only available in German)

Initial consultation & labour market access

AWO Bremen
Contact point for immigrants.
Information (only available in German)

Flüchtlingsrat Bremen
Support for refugees and migrants.
Information (only available in German)

Contacts for newly arrived artists and creatives are listed here.

To top


Dachverband freie darstellende Künste Hamburg
Further education and counselling formats on various topics in the field of the independent performing arts. 
Information (only available in German)

K3 – Zentrum für Choreographie
Competence centre for expertise in the field contemporary dance and choreography, artistic research, and dance outreach. 

Berufsverband bildender Künstler:innen Hamburg
Supporting professional interests of visual artists in Hamburg, including information on legal issues such as contracts with galleries, exhibition contracts, copyrights, insurance. 
Information (only available in German)

GEDOK Hamburg – Gemeinschaft der Künstlerinnen und Kunstfördernden
Networking of female artists from all disciplines in Hamburg. 
Informations (only available in German)

Clubkombinat Hamburg
Association of club operators, promoters, bookers and agencies from Hamburg, including workshops, consultations for members etc.. 
Information (only available in German)

Landesmusikrat in der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg
Advise, service, information on all matters relating to Hamburg's musical culture. 
Information (only available in German)

RockCity Hamburg – Zentrum für Popularmusik Hamburg
Comprehensive service, including counselling, further training.
Information (only available in German)

Hamburger Kulturbehörde: INTRO - Hamburg Residencies for Artists at Risk
Funding to make art visible and tangible with a focus on intercultural engagement.

Culture and creative industries

Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft
Contact point for actors in Hamburg's creative industries; workshops, lectures, networking events, individual consultations, coaching, crowdfunding, help with financing and finding work spaces, etc..


Initial consultation & labour market access

Hamburg Welcome Center
Orientation and counselling for newcomers and immigrants in Hamburg. 

AWO Hamburg AQtivus
Counselling in the field of professional and social integration. 
Information (only available in German)

Contacts for newly arrived artists and creatives are also listed here.

To top


Representation of the independent performing arts in Hessen; advisory and further education services, political lobby.
Information (only available in German)

Tanzplattform Rhein-Main
Project to strengthen dance in the region and support dance creators.

Bundesverband Bildender Künstlerinnen und Künstler Landesverband Hessen
Representation of the interests of visual artists in Hessen, among others exhibitions, events for further education and professionalisation for members.
Information (only available in German)

Landesmusikrat Hessen
Projects to promote and support amateur music-making in Hessen.
Information (only available in German)

Film- und Kinobüro Hessen
Centre for Hessen-wide networking and project work in the field of film.
Information (only available in German)

Kulturfonds Frankfurt RheinMain
Culture support; initiating own projects.
Information (only available in German)

Culture and creative industries

Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft Hessen
Networking and professionalisation events, funding, finding space, etc..
Information (only available in German)

Kreativ Darmstadt
Network for artists and creatives in Darmstadt and the region for exchange and interdisciplinary cooperation.
Information (only available in German)

Cluster der Kreativwirtschaft in Hessen
Representation of the interests of creative industry associations; networking and think tank.
Information (only available in German)

Initial consultation & labour market access

AWO Hessen-Süd
Integration courses, migration counselling.
Information (only available in German)

Liga der freien Wohlfahrtspflege
Representation of interests of the Hessian welfare associations.
Information (only available in German)

Overview of counselling services offered by welfare organisations for refugees and immigrants in Hesse
List in German (pdf)

Integrationskompass Hessen
Information on the goals and priorities of integration policy in Hessen. Background information on integration services offered by public and independent organizations at the municipal, state and federal levels.
Information (only available in German)

Contacts for newly arrived artists and creatives are listed here.

To top

Lower Saxony

Landesverband Freier Theater Niedersachsen
Representation of independent theatres in Lower Saxony; consultation service, networking, public relations.
Information (only available in German)

Bund Bildender Künstlerinnen und Künstler für Niedersachsen
Representation of visual artists; exhibitions, events, artists‘ database etc..
Information (only available in German)

Landesmusikrat Niedersachsen
Advice, service and information, different aspects of music culture.
Information (only available in German)

Musikland Niedersachsen
Service centre einrichtung for professional music; information, guides, mentoring, networking etc..
Information (only available in German)

KUM - Künstler*innen Ukraine Miteinander
Contact point for incoming musicians
Information (Ukrainian, Russian, German)

LAGROCK in Niedersachsen
Support of popular music in Lower Saxony; consultations for bands and self-employed artists and creatives.
Information (only available in German)

Support of pop culture; qualification, support of artists and venues, networking.
Information (only available in German)

Contact point for clubs, festivals, event organiser, venues; political representation, workshops, conferences, promotion.
Information (only available in German)

Film- und Medienbüro Niedersachsen
Individual consultation for media professionals.

Landesverband Soziokultur Niedersachsen
Consultation service for culture professionals of all disciplines on all issues of cultural management.
Information (only available in German)

Culture and creative industries

Contact point for professional creatives on all issues related to creative economies.
Information (only available in German)

Initial consultation & labour market access

Kulturbüro Hannover – Welcome Artists
Hilfe beim Einstieg in die lokale Kulturszene für neu angekommene Kulturschaffende und geflüchtete Künstler:innen.
Information (only available in German)

AWO Region Hannover
Migration counselling.
Information (only available in German)

Exil e.V.
Advice and guidance on refugee and migration law.
Information (only available in German)

Niedersachsen – Migrationsberatungsatlas
Contact points in different cities and municipalities.
Information (only available in German)

Contacts for newly arrived artists and creatives are also listed here.

To top

North Rhine-Westphalia

NRW Landesbüro Freie Darstellende Künste
Promoter and service provider for the Independent Performing Arts in NRW. 

nrw landesbuero tanz
Information centre, networking point and contact for the professional dance scene in NRW. 
Information (only available in German)

Service and funding programme for dance companies and choreographers from NRW, information tool for event organisers. 
Information (only available in German)

Landesbüro für Bildende Kunst NRW (LaB K)
Advisory institution for visual artists in NRW. 
Information (only available in German)

BBK Landesverband NRW
Supporting professional interests of visual artists in NRW. 
Information (only available in German)

International Office for Global Music. 

create music NRW
Landesmusikrat Nordrhein-Westfalen. 
Information (only available in German)

Literaturbüro OWL
Projects, promotion of young authors, advice and further training for authors. 
Information (only available in German)

Culture and creative industries

gründen nrw
Information on questions relating to start-ups. 

Competence centre and consultancy for freelancers, companies, institutions, and municipalities. 

Contacts for newly arrived artists and creatives 

A list is available here.

To top

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

fredak – Freie Darstellende Künste Landesverband MV
Representation of theatre professionals, artistic exchange, advice for organisers.
Information (only available in German)

LAG Tanz M-V
Networking and interdisciplinary collaboration.
Information (only available in German)

Fachstelle Tanz MV
Contact point for dance professionals; advice, support regarding project development, exchange.
Information (only available in German)

Künstlerbund Mecklenburg und Vorpommern
Contact point for visual artists and their cooperation partners.
Information (only available in German)

Kulturwerk M-V
Platform for clubs and live venues.
Information (only available in German)

Landesmusikrat Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Representation of interests and promotion of contemporary music through its own projects.
Information (only available in German)

Association for popular music and the creative industries in M-V; networking and support of the music landscape.
Information (only availble in German)

filmbüro mv
Film support and support of media literacy.
Information (only available in German)

Servicecenter Kultur
Information on opportunities and assistance with funding applications for artists and creatives in MV.
Information (only available in German)

Culture and creative industries

Kreative MV
Landesverband Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft; networking, qualification, support for innovative ideas.
Informations (only available in German)

Initial consultation & labour market access

Flüchtlingsrat MV
Overview of counselling centres and integration officers.
Information (only available in German)

AWO Rostock
Migration counselling.
Information (only available in German)

AWO Wismar
Migration counselling.
Information (only available in German)

Contacts for newly arrived artists and creatives are also listed here.

To top


Kulturbüro Rheinland-Pfalz: cultural consultancy
Advice on funding and organisations, legal information, business start-ups, etc..
Information (only available in German)

Kulturnetz Pfalz e.V.
Networking, advice on project management and funding, communication with authorities, etc..
Information (only available in German)

laprofth – Landesverband professioneller freier Theater Rh-Pf
Representation of interests, networking, advice for members.
Information (only available in German)

Landesmusikverband Rheinalnd-Pfalz
Representation of interests, among others further training, tax and legal advice for members.
Informations (only available in German)

pop rlp - Kompetenzzentrum Popularmusik Rheinland-Pfalz
Advice, coaching, arrangement of performance opportunities in popular music.
Informations (only available in German)

Berufsverband Bildender Künstlerinnen und Künstler Rheinland-Pfalz
Networking, exhibitions and projects for members.
Information (only available in German)

GameUp! Rheinland-Pfalz
Software and games forum, networking.
Information (only available in German)

Culture and creative industries

descom – designforum rheinland-pfalz
Among others orientation counselling for all areas of the cultural and creative industries for founders, self-employed persons, start-ups.
Information (only available in German)

gründen RLP
Information about starting a business, consultation sercive.
Information (only available in German)

Die Kreativen Trier
Network; regular networking meetings, workshop series for knowledge transfer.
Information (only available in German)

Kreativer Raum Koblenz
Initiative for the creative industries in the Koblenz Region.
Information (only available in German)

Initial consultation & labour market access

Welcome Center Rheinland-Pfalz
Advice on working in Rlp, residence, recognition of professional qualifications etc..

AWO Rheinland
Migration and asylum procedure counselling etc..
Information (only available in German)

Contacts for newly arrived artists and creatives are also listed here.

To top


Netzwerk Freie Szene Saar
Network of free and professional, cross-genre actors, groups and individual artists.
Information (in German) 

Saarländisches Filmbüro
Networking and promotion of film culture in the greater Saarland region for adults, young people and children.
Information (in German)

Landesmusikrat Saar
Promotion of amateur and professional music in the Saarland, through projects and competitions.
Information (in German) 

BKK Landesverband Saarland
Representation of professional interests of visual artists in Saarland.
Information (in German)

PopRat Saarland - Verband für Pop- und Eventkultur
Networking and promotion of the Saarland pop and event culture scene.
Information (in German)


Dock 11
Platform for networking, promotion and representation of Saarland's creative industries. Industry events, consulting and information.
Information (in German) 

Contacts for newly arrived artists and creatives 

A list is available here.

To top


Landesverband der freien Theater in Sachsen
Representation of the interests of the independent performing arts in Saxony. Initiates and organizes its own projects and events for mediation and networking.
Informations (only available in German)

Scheune Akademie
Educational institution that accompanies the way into the music business with further education offers, networking and funding models.
Informations (only available in German)

Kreatives Sachsen
Funding institution for cultural and creative professionals in Saxony. Offers continuing education, networking events and free consultations.
Informations (only available in German)

Promotion of popular music in Saxony's musical landscape. Further education and networking for musicians through workshops and talks.
Informations (only available in German)

Tanz | Moderne | Tanz
Promoting contemporary dance in Chemnitz by organizing projects, networking and offering information and advice.

Filmverband Sachsen (FVS)
Association for the strengthening of film culture in Saxony. Promotes the exchange and networking of filmmakers, advises and informs through a professional magazine.
Informations (only available in German)

Landesverband Bildende Kunst Sachsen
Contact point for visual artists
Information (in German)

Bandbüro Chemnitz
Association for the promotion of the local (popular) music scene. Professionalization of musicians through offers and projects.
Informations (only available in German)


Culture and Creative Industry

Landesverband der Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft Sachsen
Industry association for visibility, promotion and (interdisciplinary) networking.
Informations (only available in German)

Wir gestalten Dresden
Industry association for the economization, coordination, consultation and representation of the branches of Dresden's cultural and creative industries.
Informations (only available in German)

Kreatives Erzgebirge
Industry association of the cultural and creative industries in the Ore Mountains. Promotes networking and the transfer of creative know-how to companies and public institutions.
Informations (only available in German)

Kreatives Chemnitz
Industry association for the cultural and creative industries in Chemnitz and the surrounding area. Supported by networking events and consultations.
Informations (only available in German)

Kreatives Leipzig
Industry association of Leipzig's cultural and creative industries representing the interests of predominantly solo self-employed persons and micro and small enterprises.
Informations (only available in German)

Contacts for newly arrived artists and creatives 

A list is available here.

To top


LanZe (Landeszentrum Freies Theater Sachsen-Anhalt e.V.)
State association for actors in the independent performing arts, amateur theater, school theater and theater education. Offers networking, education and consulting.
Information (only available in German) 

BBK Landesverband Sachsen-Anhalt
Representation of the interests of visual artists in Saxony-Anhalt
Information (only available in German)

Landesmusikrat Sachsen-Anhalt
Representation of cultural-political interests and promotion of contemporary music through own projects
Information (only available in German)

Culture and creative industries 

Kreativwirtschaft Sachsen-Anhalt
Platform for networking creative companies. Provides information on topics such as competitions, funding and training opportunities, and creative industry events in the region.
Information (only available in German)

KWSA (Kreativwirtschaft-Sachsen-Anhalt e.V.)
Platform of creative companies for creative people and other industries. Offers exchange of experience, innovation funding, networking, start-up funding and consulting as well as funding of education and training.
Information (only available in German)

Contacts for newly arrived artists and creatives 

A list is available here.

To top


Bundesverband Bildender Künstlerinnen und Künstler Schleswig-Holstein
Representation of the interests of visual artists in Schleswig-Holstein. 
Information (only available in German)

Landesverband Freie Darstellende Künste Schleswig-Holstein
Contact point for information and advice in the field of liberal performing arts. 
Information (only available in German)

Landesverband der Amateurtheater Schleswig-Holstein
Interest representation of the amateur theatre groups; for members also counselling and communication mediation. 
Information (only available in German)

Landeskulturverband S-H
Association of cultural institutions and individuals as a platform, discussion partner for politics and administration, organiser of conferences and information events. 
Information (only available in German)

Kulturknotenpunkte SH
Network for culture in rural areas
Information (in German)

Servicestelle Kulturförderung
Support in the search for and processing of subsidies.
Information (in German)

Creative industries

Kieler Kreativstammtisch
Regular meetings for actors of the cultural and creative industries for exchange and mutual assistance. 
Information (only available in German)

Initial consultation & labour market access

AWO Kiel – Migrationsberatung
Contact point for immigrants and refugees; counselling and information on various issues.
Information (only available in German)

Flüchtlingsrat Schleswig-Holstein
Link list with counselling centres in S-H. 
Information (only available in German)

Contacts for newly arrived artists and creatives are also listed here.

To top


Kulturkontakte Thüringen – Kulturrat Thüringen
Overview of the cultural landscape in Thuringia: Associations, financial support, further education etc.
Information (only available in German)

Thüringer Theaterverband
Advice and mentoring for members, advocacy, theatre award etc.
Information (only available in German)

LAG Spiel und Theater in Thüringen
Contact point in the field of theatre and youth cultural work
Information (only available in German)

Thüringer Tanzverband
Contact point in the field of amateur dance; a.o. networking & counselling of dance professionals
Information (only available in German)

Verband Bildender Künstler Thüringen (VBKTh)
Contact point for visual artists and their cooperation partners
Information (only available in German)

LAG Soziokultur Thüringen
Representation of the interests of Thuringian socio-cultural centres; counselling, further education, networking
Information (in German)

Landesmusikrat Thüringen
Advocacy and information centre
Information (only available in German)

LAG Songkultur Thüringen
Contact point in the field of popular music; advice on self-employment, projects, funding
Information (only available in German)

Thüringer Literaturrat
Overview of the literary landscape in Thuringia
Information (only available in German)

Culture and creative industries

Thüringer Agentur für Kreativwirtschaft
Information (only available in German)

Initial consultation & labour market access

Thuringian Agency For Skilled Personnel Marketing – The Welcome Center!
Counseling service on labour market, recognition of professional qualifications etc.

Webpage ‚Integration and Migration in Thuringia‘

Contacts for newly arrived artists and creatives are also listed here.

To top