Questions regarding entry and stay are part of the nature of international artistic activities. Different residence titles such as visas, work permits, etc. are relevant for different countries.
The EU treaties guarantee the freedom of establishment and services and the freedom of movement for workers, which grant any EU citizen the right to live and work in another EU country.
German nationals are required to obtain visas for trips to many non-European countries; an appropriate residence title is necessary to be able to work there.
Artists and creatives who are not EU citizens need a valid residence title for entering and staying in Germany. The conditions are set out in the European and national laws, the EU Visa Code, the Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement, the Schengen Borders Code, and the Law on the Residence, Economic Activity and Integration
An independent dance company based in Munich hires an Indian dancer, a French choreographer and an Irish musician on a fee basis. They will rehearse in Germany for two months and then go on a month-long tour through Germany, Switzerland, the UK, and Ireland. What visas or work permits do they need?
All About Berlin: How to apply for a German freelance visa
Deutsches Studierendenwerk: Aufenthalts- und Sozialrecht für internationale Studierende (2024, in German)
Guidelines on migration law for cooperation between artists and art associations in Germany, Künstlerhaus Stuttgart 2023
BMI information: Verpflichtungserklärung (declaration of commitment)