Step by step, our guide will lead you to all the important information you might need for your international work.

Here we go!

The Guide

Who we are

touring artists offers information and advice for artists and culture professionals in an international context (to/from Germany).

We inform and advise on administrative issues that are relevant for cross-border artistic or curatorial activities – on the following topics:

  • Visa and Residence
  • Contracts and Work Status
  • Taxes
  • Social Insurance
  • Transport and Customs
  • Insurances
  • Author’s Rights
  • Mobility Funding

Since 2013, our cross-sector service is aimed at:

  • Artists and culture professionals in Germany with international projects,
  • Institutions and groups in Germany working with international artists,
  • Artists and culture professionals living abroad who temporarily work in Germany,
  • and specifically, artists from non-EU countries who have recently relocated to Berlin.


The information pool offers comprehensive information on the topics mentioned above. We want to offer a general introduction to the topics and easily accessible and comprehensible know-how concerning legal and administrative issues. We primarily map legal regulations and administrative procedures in Germany. Checklists, references to further reading, contacts, and relevant departments in their respective administrations are part of the information.

You can also find information on artist-in-residency programs, the cultural scene in Germany, mobility and sustainability, a collection of country-specific and European information points etc. A mobility funding database including funding programmes in Germany for international mobility is regularly updated.

The website is available in English and German. Information for artists and creatives from non-EU countries is partly provided in Arabic and Turkish.

Help desk service – free consultations

Artists and culture professionals of all disciplines can ask questions via e-mail or schedule free individual consultations on international projects and working stays abroad or in Germany. The focus of the help desk is on the basics of the administrative rules of international projects and working stays abroad in Germany. More information is available here. Appointments can be made by email or by using this form. Consultations are possible in German, English, Turkish, and Arabic.

The touring artists’ information and help desk services are free of charge.

International Artists Info Berlin (IAIB)

Since 2018, our project International Artists Info Berlin (IAIB) has been supporting artists and culture professionals who have had to leave their home countries due to the political situation and are now living in Germany. We provide orientation within the German cultural landscape and the culture scene in Berlin in particular. We explain the legal framework for artistic activities in Germany and the requirements for working in Germany to make it easier for artists and creatives to continue their work in Germany. Our activities within the scope of IAIB can be found here.

Brexit Infopoint

In 2022, touring artists became a Brexit Infopoint and provides know-how for artists working between Germany and the United Kingdom. Information on administrative issues is available online and can be found here. Free individual consultations offer a quick orientation to answer artists' and cultural workers' questions. Appointments can be made via this link.

Events and workshops

We regularly organise workshops on different topics – mainly together with partner organisations – and are invited to network meetings, seminars etc. Feel free to get in touch if you’d like to book us as speaker for your event (contact us here).

Our event series MONTHLY MEET-UP for transnational artists took place until 2024 and was aimed at artists that are new to Berlin. For 2025, new event formats are being planned.

You can find our calendar of events here.

touring artists does not assist with the following concerns


ITI Germany, IGBK, and Dachverband Tanz shall not be liable for their information and advisory services - except in cases of intent and gross negligence. This applies in particular with regard to the timeliness, suitability for use and completeness of the information published and transmitted.

We expressly point out that the helpdesk services are provided by non-lawyers and therefore no legally binding information is given. The information can only provide a starting point for an optimal final draft in any specific case of use, it is intended for orientation and inspiration.

Who is behind touring artists

touring artists is a joint project of the International Theatre Institute (ITI) Germany, the Internationale Gesellschaft der Bildenden Künste (IGBK, International Association of Art) and of the Dachverband Tanz Deutschland (German Dance Association), supported by the Federal Commissioner for Culture and the Media. International Artists Info Berlin (IAIB) is supported by the Berliner Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt, programme ‘Weltoffenes Berlin’.

The project partners are members of On the Move. Within On the Move, touring artists is part of the Mobility Information Points (MIP) working group.

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