Step by step, our guide will lead you to all the important information you might need for your international work.

Here we go!

The Guide


Checklists - guides

Here you can find our checklists and also checklists, guides etc. of other organisations for download or as link.

Income tax

TA: Invoices

Kanzlei Laaser: Einkommenssteuerbefreiung von Stipendien (income tax exemption for scholarships- only available in German)

BMF: Lohn- und Einkommensteuerrechner (wage and income tax calculator- only available in German)

BMF: Steuerliche Behandlung von Reisekosten und Reisekostenvergütungen bei betrieblich und beruflich veranlassten Auslandsreisen ab 1. Januar 2025 (Tax treatment of travel expenses and travel expense reimbursements for business and work-related trips abroad from January 1, 2025)

PEARLE*: The Ultimate Cookbook for Cultural Managers - Artist Taxation in an International Context

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TA: Tips in the event of damage

BFDK Campus: Versicherungen für Selbständige und Theater (insurances fpr self-employed persons and theatre- only available in German)

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KreativKulturBerlin: Cost and financing plan? Tips


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produktionsbande: resources & material

FREO: How tos

Bundesverband Freie Darstellende Künste: Arbeitsschutz

Kompetenzzentrum Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft des Bundes: Themendossier Internationalisierung in der Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft (in German)

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Working between France - Switzerland

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Working between Austria and Germany

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