Guidelines on migration law for cooperation between artists and art associations in Germany, Künstlerhaus Stuttgart (2023)
Deutsches Studierendenwerk: Aufenthalts- und Sozialrecht für internationale Studierende. Handreichung für Beratende (2024) - available in German
Der Paritätische: Mobilität für Drittstaatsangehörige in Europa (Februar 2023) (mobility for third-country nationals in Europe - available in German)
All About Berlin: How to apply for a German freelance visa
All About Berlin: Letters of intent for the German freelance visa
Film Commission Region Stuttgart: Employment of foreign filmmakers in Germany
IQ Netzwerk: Spurwechsel zwischen den Aufenthaltstiteln (switch between residence permits - available in German)
Informationsverbund Asyl & Migration: Schulungsreihe Migrationsrecht (training series on migration law - videos in German)
TA: Free drafting of contracts
BFDK Campus: Recht in den freien darstellenden Künsten (law in the performing arts- only available in German)
PAP Berlin: Abgrenzung selbständige und unselbständige Tätigkeit/ Darstellende Künste (distinction between self-employed and employed activitie - only available in German)
PAP Berlin: Ausfall einer Aufführung, Kündigungsmöglichkeiten, Vertragsstrafen/ Darstellende Künste (cancellation of a performance, contractual penalties - only available in German)
All About Berlin: Losing or quitting your job in Germany
All About Berlin: Unemployment benefits in Germany
All About Berlin: How job notice periods work in Germany
Emerging Dance Artists: Knowledge Platform for emerging dance artists in Germany
Working as a self-employed person in Germany
ver.di: Ratgeber Selbstständige (only available in German)
NRW Landesbüro Freie Darstellende Künste: Selbständig in den freien darstellenden Künsten - FAQs (only available in German)
All About Berlin: How to fill the Fragebogen zur steuerlichen Erfassung
Posting, working in several states, A1 form
PEARLE*: Ultimate Cookbook for Cultural Managers - Social Security in an International Context
ITSG video on the registration in the SV-Meldeportal with the BundID (in German) - explanation in English language on the registration based on the video
Your social security cover as an artist in Europe EnglishGermanFrenchItalienDutch
Artists' Social Security Fund/ KSK
All About Berlin: How to join the Künstlersozialkasse (KSK)
BFDK Campus: Künstlersozialkasse (soon available in English)
Kanzlei Laaser: KSK - Zuverdienstmöglichkeit (KSK - additional income, in German)
Social security contribution for artists
TA: "User's contribution": social security contributions for artists and cross-border activities
Deutsches Studierendenwerk: Aufenthalts- und Sozialrecht für internationale Studierende. Handreichung für Beratende (2024) - available in German
All about Berlin: How to choose German health insurance
TA: Temporary use without an A.T.A. Carnet
TA: Transporting works of art from Germany to Switzerland
PEARLE*: Cites Guide 'Crossing borders' travelling with musical instruments containing protected species
Kanzlei Laaser: Einkommenssteuerbefreiung von Stipendien (income tax exemption for scholarships- only available in German)
BMF: Lohn- und Einkommensteuerrechner (wage and income tax calculator- only available in German)
BMF: Steuerliche Behandlung von Reisekosten und Reisekostenvergütungen bei betrieblich und beruflich veranlassten Auslandsreisen ab 1. Januar 2025 (Tax treatment of travel expenses and travel expense reimbursements for business and work-related trips abroad from January 1, 2025)
PEARLE*: The Ultimate Cookbook for Cultural Managers - Artist Taxation in an International Context
PEARLE*: Ultimate Cookbook for Cultural Managers - VAT in an international context
Kanzlei Laaser: Sind Fördergelder von Künstler:innen umsatzsteuerpflichtig? (are subsidies subject to VAT?- only available in German)
BZSt: Vergabe und Erteilung USt-IdNr. (only available in German), BZSt: Allocation of the sales tax identification number
TA: Tips in the event of damage
BFDK Campus: Versicherungen für Selbständige und Theater (insurances fpr self-employed persons and theatre- only available in German)
PEARLE*: Ultimate Cookbook for Cultural Managers - Copyright Clearing for Live Events
TA: Use of works by foreign artists
Kanzlei Laaser: Das Urheberrecht am Bühnenbild (copyright and stage design- only available in German)
IN EX(ILE) LAB: Toolkit for cultural organisations supporting artists in exile
produktionsbande: resources & material
Bundesverband Freie Darstellende Künste: Arbeitsschutz
Kompetenzzentrum Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft des Bundes: Themendossier Internationalisierung in der Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft (in German)
TA: Bilateral Checklist for temporary work in France and Germany
TA: Bilaterale Checkliste für temporäres Arbeiten in Frankreich und Deutschland
TA: Checkliste bilatérale pour des séjours de travail temporaires en France et en Allemagne
TA: Bilateral Checklist for temporary work in France and Belgium
TA: Checkliste bilatérale pour des séjours de travail temporaires en France et en Belgique
TA: Bilaterale checklist voor grensoverschrijdend werk tussen Frankrijk en België
ITEM: Crossing borders as self-employed professional between Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany
Operation Iceberg: Mobility kit for French artists (only available in french)
Operation Iceberg: Mobility kit for Swiss artists (only available in french)
TA/Art-Mobility Austria: Checklist Working between Austria and Germany (in German language)