Step by step, our guide will lead you to all the important information you might need for your international work.

Here we go!

The Guide


Obtaining health insurance coverage for their stay in Germany is strongly recommended for foreign artists ans creatives. Artists and creatives from abroad who temporarily stay in Germany may purchase travel health insurance from German insurance companies. This is especially relevant for artists and creatives from non-EU countries. The insurance policies are valid for up to 365 days and from a certain number of days plans are usually concluded on a daily basis. Some insurers permit purchase of a policy up to 31 days after arrival in Germany or another EU country. This applies if no visa is required for the respective traveler. The contract is often offered in combination with accident and liability insurance. 


  • Such insurance should be purchased in Germany, if possible (with the assistance of the organizers or colleagues). In case of damages in Germany, settlements with travel insurance providers in the countries of origin can be very complicated.

a rough, non-binding price overview
-Travel health insurance for 42 days: approx. 11.00 euros / 22.00 euros starting from age 60
-from day 43, additional daily insurance: 1.50 euro / 4.50 euros starting from age 60


Notes for collectives, orchestras and companies etc.

  • Self-employed artists must obtain health insurance coverage themselves. Collectives, orchestras, companies etc. that hire self-employed individuals should point out that health insurance coverage is highly recommended. Even better would be to make health insurance coverage a requirement for the engagement or require the A1 certificate (cf. social security) from artists or creatives from EU member countries. The organizer often requires this certificate as well. The insurance issue should be clearly defined in the production contract, which may stipulate that the artist or creative is responsible for obtaining all insurances independently.